Education Moore Exotics


Danish Landrace Pig



Male weighs 325 Kilograms while the Female weighs 225 Kilograms.



Physical Appearance

A medium-to-large, long, lean pig is a Danish Landrace. It is white, barely dressed, and has short hair. The huge ears and lengthy snout both droop downward. It doesn’t have the wrinkles or extra fat that some other breeds do, and it has deep flanks.

Danish Landrace Pig

Characteristics and Genetics

Danish Landrace pigs are a breed from Denmark.

The white (hvid) and the piebald are the two separate kinds (sortbroget).

The tall, thin Danish Landrace breed is renowned for its exceptional mothering and extremely high fecundity. In recent years, emphasis has been concentrated heavily on enhancing daily gain and feed conversion while also creating a breed robust enough to produce well in today’s total confinement settings. The Danish breeders have accomplished these objectives.

Because they are omnivores, Danish Landrace pigs consume both vegetarian and meat.


Danish landrace pig table

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