Education Moore Exotics


Danish Landrace Goat

Danish Landrace Goats


In Danish, it is referred to as Dansk Landrace and Dansk Landraceged. Danish Landrace goats range in size from medium to large. They have a variety of coat colors, but the most prevalent ones are brown and black, like wild goats, as well as white, blue-gray, and other tones. This breed’s hair can range in length from short to long, and during the winter, the hair coat thickens. They are well protected from the cold by their thick hair covering.

Often, both bucks and does have horns. The Danish Landrace males are larger and heavier than the does, like the majority of goat breeds.

Danish -Landrace Goats


Goats of the Danish Landrace variety are often well-behaved and mellow-tempered. For domestic milk use, the majority of Danish goat breeders keep them in small, non-commercial herds.


It is primarily employed as a breed of dairy goat for milk production. Yet, they can also be raised as pets and for the production of meat.


Denmark has had goats since 3400 BC. With more recent additions of genes from the Harz region of Germany and the Saanen goat, the formal Danish Landrace goat breed was formed from the old landrace of goats endemic to Denmark. The Foreningen för Danske Landracegeder, the breed’s official studbook, was established in 1982.

After the Second World War, the goat population fell off quickly, and a handful of eager breeders gathered the last few animals. Regrettably, many animals were utilized in the years that followed as recipients for Angora or Boer goat embryo transfers or for crossbreeding with Boers to produce meat. A reliable population of Danish Landrace goats exists today. However, as of 2005, only 29 breeding males from 34 herds totaling about 400 animals were recorded. See more details on this breed of goats below. 


Danish landrace goat table

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