Education Moore Exotics





Scientific Name: Crossarchus sp.

A small, nocturnal member of the Mungotinae, the common cusimanse (Crossarchus), is also known as the long-nosed cusimanse or just as cusimanse. A little dwarf mongoose known as the Common cusimanse. These creatures have dark or reddish brown hair and a physique that resembles a weasel in several ways. Their fur is silky and fine on the underside and thick with a wiry texture down the back. Common cusimanses have an extended nose, short legs, a short, stiff tail that tapers to a point, long claws, small ears, and small, black eyes.



The West African nations of Ghana, Liberia, Sierra Leone, Guinea, and Côte d’Ivoire are home to common cusimanses. They reside in farm bush, logged woodland, plantations, and forested regions close to water. They are also present in the humid savanna zone and the gallery forests of the savanna in Côte d’Ivoire.


Common cusimanses are extremely sociable creatures that dwell in tight-knit family units with 10 to 20 or more members. Whistles, chirps, and growls are only a few of the vocalizations used by the family group to communicate. Whistles are typically used to stay in touch when moving through the deep rainforest understory. Although common cusimanses adept at climbing, they frequently spend more time on the ground.

They are fiercely protective of their territory, marking it with anal smell glands and defending it furiously from intruders. They are nomadic, Common cusimanses do not frequently stay in one spot on their range. They take refuge in termite mounds, tree hollows, and other animals’ burrows as they travel from place to place. Since these mongooses don’t have permanent dens, their young must be moved to various foraging locations because they can’t keep up with the group for several weeks.

As Pet/ In Captivity

These animals have a nine-year lifespan in captivity. Insects, larvae, tiny reptiles, tiny rodents, crabs, fruits, and berries make up their diet. As highly sociable creatures with a distinct family group hierarchy, cusimanses. Whistles, growls, and chatter are some of the ways they communicate. These animals must have access to a lot of area and climbing surfaces.


cusimanse table

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