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Curly Hair Tarantula

Curly Hair Tarantula

The curly hair tarantula, or Tliltocatl albopilosus, is a species of spider. Previously known as Brachypelma albopilosum. Costa Rica and Nicaragua are home to the species. They are mostly burrowing, terrestrial spiders that dig holes when they can.

They are known as “curly-haired” tarantulas because of their distinctively curled long bristles, which give them a distinctive appearance.

Physical Appearance

  • The Curly hair tarantula comes in three different colorations. Their hair hues differ, but their bodies are all around the same shade of dark gray. 
  • One kind consists primarily of grayish hairs with a few pinkish hairs thrown in. A third has hair that is a vivid copper color, while the other has predominantly pink hair.
  • When they mature, they grow to a length of about 3 inches, about the same as a credit card, and have legs that span 4-5 inches. A little bit more stout than the males are the females. 
  • They feature two pedipalps at the front of their bodies that resemble additional arms, coupled with eight segmented legs. They are employed by the males during mating and for catching and holding prey.


Where do curly hairs originate?

Several various places along the Atlantic coast of Costa Rica, Honduras, and Nicaragua have been identified as having robust populations of curly hairs. They are a kind of semi-burrowing animal that can be found in tropical scrubland, usually near a water supply.

What Eats Tarantulas with Curly Hair?

Birds, lizards, snakes, and tarantula hawks are the primary predators of curly haired tarantulas. Because tarantulas spend their days buried deep in their tunnels, animals that are nocturnal are the most likely to come across them.


It is common practice to house and raise T. albopilosus in captivity. They rapidly consume commercially available crickets, superworms, and cockroaches and are very tolerant to variations in temperature and humidity. Typically, they are submissive. Males typically survive 4-5 years, but females could live between 8 to 25 years.


The gender of tarantulas with curly hair affects how long they live. Males typically live between 8 and 10 years, although females have been known to live more than 20 years. Due to their lengthy lifespans, females are preferred in the pet trade.

Amazing Facts about Curly Hair Tarantula

  • Golden-brown bristles or hairs cover their torso and legs.
  • Tarantulas with curly hair can grow to reach 4-5 inches long.
  • To create a way for their expanding bodies, they molt their exoskeleton.
  • The lifespan of a female can exceed 20 years.
  • They are simple to raise and can be kept as pets.


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