Education Moore Exotics


Curly Dock



An inflorescence, or flower stalk, is produced by the plant and can reach a height of 1.5 metres. It has smooth leaves with distinctively wavy or curled margins that branch off from a big basal rosette. On branched stems on the stalk, flowers and seeds are produced in clusters, with the greatest cluster occurring near the apex. The calyx of the flower from which they were created encloses the brown, glossy seeds.



Since the leaves, stalk, and seeds of the curly dock plant are all edible, eating would be the main purpose for it nowadays. The leaves can be used to soups, salads, or as a simple cooked vegetable. Wash the very young leaves first, though, as they contain a toxin that might numb your tongue.


Due to its high fiber and vitamin A content, curly dock can compete fiercely with other vegetables.


A long-lived perennial weed in the buckwheat family is called curly dock. It grows in locations with full sunlight, damp to dry conditions, and it can handle most types of soil. It can endure periodic mowing, brief flooding, and drought.



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