Education Moore Exotics


Cumberland Slider Turtle


A variety of the Pond slider is the Cumberland slider. The Southeast of North America and the drainage basins of the Tennessee and Mississippi rivers are home to this subspecies.

They are pleasant and simple to care for. These qualities make them the perfect turtles for all levels of turtle keepers, from beginners to experts.

The Cumberland sliders are semi-aquatic turtles that will only eat aquatic plants. To host this magnificent American turtle, an aquatic environment is required.

Care as a Pet

cumberland slider


To be at ease, this turtle needs a lot of space. You must supply 10 gallons of water for every inch.

A 75-gallon turtle tank will do for mature males, while a 125-gallon turtle tank will do for adult females. The water must be at least 15 inches deep (400 mm).

The tank requires a heating system, a pump, and a filtering system (if the water temperature drops below 75 degrees Fahrenheit).

To survive, turtles need a lot of water, and they also dump a lot of waste into the water. Canister filters are always the superior option for them. The tiny filters are quite expensive and ineffective for turtles.


Despite being omnivorous, both juveniles and adults are primarily carnivorous while adults are primarily herbivorous. In the wild, they eat fish, crayfish, tadpoles, mollusks, worms, insects, plants, algae, and aquatic vegetation.

When feeding a Cumberland slider, age is important. Giving adults a diet higher in protein is preferable because adults often consume more veggies than children do.

Among the animal proteins you can give them are bloodworms, krill, shrimp, fish, locusts, water snails, crickets, and earthworms.

Due to their low nutritional value, freeze-dried crickets and shrimp are not ideal as your turtle’s main diet. Additionally, thiaminase toxicity may be caused by seafood and feeder fish.

Heat and Temperature

It must be between 24 and 29 °C (75 to 84 °F) in the water. On the other side, the basking area must be 90 degrees (32 °C) in temperature.

A suitable reptile lamp that emits heat and UVB light, like MyComfyPets UVB Light, can be fixed above the basking area.


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