Education Moore Exotics


Crowntail Betta



2.5-3 inches

Physical characteristics and behavior

The tail of the Crowntail is remarkable. Fin rays are not webbed. In contrast to the Combtail Betta, webbing stops short of peaks, giving them a spiky appearance. This distinctive characteristic also resembles an upside-down crown rather than a comb. The caudal fin of the female Crowntail Betta is bigger and less pronounced than those of other Betta fish. Crowntail is patterned and vibrant. Black or brown Crowntails predominate. Iridescent blue and green scales. Fins are more vivid. They have blue bodies and red points. Crowntail Betta males have more vibrant colors than females. In comparison to other Betta fish, the colors of the crowntail Betta change subtly.


Freshwater species, a minimum 5-gallon aquarium, 76–80 degrees Fahrenheit.

As Pet

Crowntail Betta

  • Care

Taking care of Crowntail Bettas can be a fun challenge. Since these fish have a reputation for being tough, beginners and inexperienced owners may find the process challenging.

The secret, like with any fish, is to understand as much as you can about their needs. Crowntail Bettas can thrive if you are aware of their fundamental requirements. Even with inexperienced fishkeepers, this is true!

  • Tank Size

Let’s discuss one of the most widespread myths with Crowntail Betta maintenance. Much more is required for this species than just a bowl or vase! Due to the fact that these fish are regularly sold in small containers at big-box stores, many naive owners believe they may survive in a filterless pot. True, they don’t require a large tank. After all, Thailand’s shallow rice fields are home to bettas. You must still provide enough room for the fish to swim around and exercise, though.

  • Parameters for water

The secret to keeping a Crowntail Betta fish happy and healthy is to emulate their natural habitat, just like with any other fish species.

Those fish originate from Southeast Asia’s warm, shallow waters. The pH level is impacted by the dense vegetation and little murkiness of their dwellings. Your fish should be alright if you follow these guidelines!

Water is between 76°F and 80°F (around 80 degrees is ideal)

pH ranges from 6.4 to 7.0 (stay close to neutral)

Hardness of water: 2 to 5 dKH

  • Tank mates

Crowntail Bettas aren’t exactly wonderful communal fish because of their propensity for violence.

To prevent any hostility, most aquarists keep these fish by themselves. If you desire a lively tank, there are a few good tank buddy possibilities.

You can try the following tankmates: Neon Tetras and related tetra species, Dwarf frogs from Africa, phantom shrimp, Cherries Shrimp Swift Guppies


crowntail betta table

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