Education Moore Exotics


Crocodilurus Tegu

Crocodilurus Tegu lizard


Scientific name: Crocodilurus amazonicus    

Life span: Not Known

C. amazonicus is a large teiid that is semi-aquatic. The head is green with splotchy black coloring. Typically, the color of the throat is yellow. The pupil of the big eye is rounded. The animal’s abdomen is covered with broad yellow patches, while the rest of its body is a mottled combination of gray and green. On their forelimbs and tails, young animals often exhibit red coloring; adults also have this coloring, but it is less obvious. To help with water locomotion, the tail is compressed and lengthened, while the legs are short but robustly constructed.

Native Region/Habitat

Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, French Guiana, and Peru are all home to this species. Around big quantities of water, the crocodile tegu can be found (i.e. rivers, lagoons, etc.). It is frequently seen relaxing on branches that hang over the water, and if approached, it will dive in head first.

Crocodilurus Tegu


Since the crocodile tegu is an aquatic forager, aquatic prey is typically consumed. These lizards avoid competing with sympatric species for food sources.

Every year there is mating, with a normal clutch size of four to five eggs. The Tupinambis genus can produce up to twenty eggs, which is a modest clutch compared to other South American Teiids.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

Although they need somewhat warmer temperatures than Shinisaurus, crocodile tegus are a semi-aquatic species of lizard that are treated quite similarly to Shinisaurus. Our basking areas are kept between 90 and 95 degrees, and the enclosure’s ambient temperature drops to 80 degrees.


crocodilurus tegu table

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