Education Moore Exotics


Cow Parsnip



A tall perennial herbaceous plant, cow parsnip. The hollow stems have a lot of hair on them. The leaves have three lobes and are very big. From February to September, cow parsnip blooms with the distinctive flower umbels of the carrot family. The umbels, which are made up of tiny white flowers, can be up to 30 cm across, flat-topped or rounded. Flattened, oval to heart-shaped, and between 1/4 and 1/2 inch long, the fruit matures to brown and separates into 2 seeds.



Stalks might be fried, turned into flutes, used as straws, or peeled and eaten raw. They could also be utilized ceremonially. To treat colds or sore throats, crushed leaves were used to make a drink.


This plant will tolerate different soils as long as there is enough moisture present, but prefers silty or sandy loams in full sun to light shade. They require damp environments, but not ones that are always wet.



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