Education Moore Exotics


Corrugatum Plant

Corrugatum plant

Are you a huge lover of plants with large leaves? If so, the Philodendron corrugatum should be high on your list! This Philodendron species is native to South America and is recognized for its stunning leaves that may grow to be 18 inches long.

The plant is also recognized for its enormous, attractive leaves with a wavy texture, as well as its capacity to grow in a variety of conditions.

Need for Water

Maintaining a consistent water supply is critical for your

Corrugatum, so give it lots of water. Water the topsoil only when it is absolutely dry. During the winter, the plant enters into a dormant state, allowing you to water it less regularly.

Requirements for Light

Corrugatum plants thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. They will live in low-light conditions, but their development will be slowed.

Corrugatum plant.

Soil Prerequisites

Loamy soil that drains effectively is suitable for growing Philodendron corrugatum. You may prepare your own potting mix by combining equal parts peat moss, perlite, and bark chips.


corrugatum plant table

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