Education Moore Exotics


Copper Axolotl



The light grey body of the copper-colored axolotl species is typically accented by grey irises and copper flecks. They have red gills and a variety of pale greyish colors. Typically, their belly is lighter in colour than the rest of their body. However, depending on the specimens, you can also notice variations in their body colors.

Some copper axolotls have a tone that resembles caramel, whereas others have a tint that is practically pink. The beauty, however, never changes. Their distinctive colour seems too charming, especially when paired with a newborn face that is speckled and has a sandy tone.


You would enjoy being near a copper axolotl. They are not at all difficult to handle because they are a fairly docile species. They are typically suitable for species-only tanks. To their sorts, they occasionally exhibit cannibalistic behavior, though. Additionally, we advise against keeping these axolotl species in a tank with other animals. They have special requirements that set them apart from other fish and amphibians. Second, they may become stressed by the presence of other species, their quicker mobility, or their aggressive behavior. Small fish can be eaten by them, but larger, more infamous fish can nip off their external gills. Therefore, it is best to leave them alone.

As Pet


Tank Setup

Including copper axolotls in your tank is a great idea, in fact. To care for them the best while in captivity, choose a top-notch tank setup first. Therefore, this is how you construct a tank for them.

Tank Size

The tank you choose for your copper axolotl needs to have adequate room for your pet to grow and swim around without restriction. So choosing a 20-gallon tank for one species is a good idea. Make sure the tank has a lid when choosing it because you do not want your axolotl to jump out and hurt itself.

Water Parameters

Typically, copper axolotls don’t have many specifications for a given parameter. They are resilient enough to handle a wide variety of water conditions. The water must be free of nitrite and ammonia, though, in order to effectively care for the axolotls. They may also survive a pH range between 6.8 and 8. So, to provide them with the optimum care, the recommended pH range will be 7.0-7.5. They typically live in cold water. As a result, their tank won’t require a water heater. The water must be kept below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, though. They prefer water that is between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit.

Food & Diet

Providing your copper axolotl with a wholesome diet is essential for maintaining their health. On the other hand, copper axolotls have quite simple dietary needs. They devour any animal protein because they are by nature carnivorous. In order to promote their health, you can provide them with live night crawlers, small fish, brine prawns, bloodworms, etc.


copper-axolotl table

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