Education Moore Exotics


Cochin Chicken


Large domestic chickens of the Cochin breed. It comes from giant chickens with feathered legs that were introduced to Europe and North America in the 1840s and 1850s from China. It is mostly raised for exhibition. Previously, it was known as Cochin-China.


The profuse foot feathering and dense plumage that give cochins their fluffy appearance make them immediately recognizable. The feet of all Cochin chicks are covered in feathers at birth. Because of the thick feathering all over their bodies, they are exceptionally cold-hardy and can withstand adverse weather conditions. They dislike muddy pens and rainy conditions because the mud can cake over their feathers and cause frostbite on their toes. Place them in a dry spot in the backyard, if possible.

Today, the chicken is primarily kept as a decorative bird because the breed was specifically developed to compete rather than as a meat bird. Both hens and roosters have a single, circular red comb, however a rooster’s is typically larger. The earlobes and wattles are red. They have yellow skin. Cochin chicks are prone to obesity because of their physique. They are not the best foragers and are also fairly lazy. Don’t feed them too many table scraps to keep them healthy.

As Pet

cochin chicken

  • Caring

The Cochin chickens are elegant chickens, so they need special attention. Keep their living space or home as spotless as you can. And often sterilize their home. Feed them high-quality food, and immunize them on schedule.

  • Housing

Building a quality, cozy, and secure housing system is crucial for the Cochin chicken raising industry. Because Cochin chickens are ornamental birds, the house must also be kept clean in order for them to appear their best.

Install a reliable ventilation system and make sure that the home is receiving an adequate supply of clean, fresh air. And construct the home in a method that makes it simple for you to clean it. One of the most common domestic breeds of chickens are the Cochins. And a mature bird typically needs a home of at least 6 square feet.

  • Feeding

The most crucial aspect of the Cochin chicken raising industry is this. Because healthy food not only helps the birds grow but also keeps them healthy and disease-free. As a result, always aim to provide your birds exceptionally high-quality, nutrient-rich food.

You have two options for feeding your chickens: ready-made/commercial poultry feeds or homemade feeds. Whatever you decide, be sure the food is wholesome and suitable for the chickens. Both a system of confinement and a system of free range can be used to grow Cochin chickens. You can cut feeding expenses and increase the production of quality goods by raising them in a free-range manner.

  • Grooming

Care must be given to preserve their full plumage and feathered legs and feet. Especially if there is a lot of muck or moisture present, their feet and legs.

These chickens enjoy taking a leisurely dust bath, especially when herbal essences are added and blended into the loose sand. These washes assist remove all the extra oil that has accumulated in their numerous feathers, as well as any undesirable animals that are taking advantage of their plumage. These birds enjoy all forms of attention, so they won’t mind being routinely checked for mites, lice, and other parasites. To keep your chickens healthy, check their feathers at least once a week for these pests. Pests do enjoy all the feathers this bird has been endowed with, so if you can manage twice a week, all the better.

  • Temperament

Cochins are peaceful, sociable birds. Even the roosters are reputed to be rather placid. Rarely do the guys act violently, cruelly, or argumentatively. The bantam boys, on the other hand, are not always so placid; they can be temperamental, hostile, and territorial.

Females are excellent mothers and broodies. Once they are in the mood, they will happily sit on any eggs you give them. Although I believe this would depend on the specific bird and whether or not she was broody at the time, they can also be utilized as foster mothers for abandoned babies.


cochin chicken table

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