Education Moore Exotics


Clouded Yellow Butterfly

Clouded Yellow Butterfly

Amazing Facts

  • Colias croceus f. helice and Colias croceus f. deserticola are two of its many subspecies.
  • They are migratory and frequently go to the United Kingdom during the summer months. Their migration and mating seasons are referred to as the “clouded yellow years.”


The upper side of the wings is golden to orange yellow with a broad black border on all four wings, and the forewing’s center has a black mark surrounding it. The black margin on the upper sides of these butterflies’ wings is difficult to see since they normally land with their wings closed. The forewings in particular have a brighter greenish color on the underside, which is lighter and without the black borders.

On the underside of the forewing is the same dark spot as on the upper side, although it frequently has a bright center; on the underside of the hindwing is a white spot with a smaller white or dark spot frequently above it. On the underwing margins, where the black border on the upper side terminates, there may occasionally be a row of black dots. Females have yellow patches along the black borders on the upper side, which sets them apart from males.

On the underwing margins, where the black border on the upper side terminates, there may occasionally be a row of black dots. Females have yellow patches along the black borders on the upper side, which sets them apart from males.

Clouded-Yellow Butterfly


Adults consume the nectar of plants like ragwort, fleabane, thistles, dandelion, marjoram, and knapweed.


Frogs, spiders, and wasps.


This butterfly can be found in nearly any open rural setting, including fields with Clovers, Lucerne, and Bird’s-foot Trefoil as larval foodplants, coastal cliffs, and open downland. One of the most common species in Europe is Colias croceus. The common clouded yellow migrates over most of Europe during the summer, with some individuals making it as far as Scandinavia in excellent years. Its breeding area is in North Africa and southern Europe, as well as eastward via Turkey into the Middle East.


clouded yellow butterfly table

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