Education Moore Exotics


Cleveland Bay Horse



1.5 to 1.65 meters

Physical Attributes

Large heads with convex faces, a long, strong neck, sloping shoulders, clean legs, and muscular hindquarters are all characteristics of horses with Cleveland Bay DNA. They look incredibly gorgeous and dignified, to put it briefly.


They are deep in color. Along with their black mane, legs, and tail, some Cleveland Bays also have a white marking on their forehead.

Characteristics and Genetic

One of the earliest English horse breeds still in existence, the Cleveland Bay was first employed in farming and hauling carriages. With the introduction of Thoroughbred blood over time, the Cleveland Bay developed into a competitive sport horse. In order to meet a demand for pack horses to transport trade items between abbeys and monasteries in northeast England, English churches and monasteries engaged in extensive early breeding of the ancestors of the Cleveland Bay.

The Cleveland Bay is a warm-blooded horse that was created by breeding hot-blooded Northern European heavy draught horses with hot-blooded Oriental, Barb, Turkish, or Mediterranean ancestry. According to reports, the Cleveland Bay horse belongs to the haplotype C group, which is typical of older northern European breeds including the Exmoor, Icelandic, Fjord, Connemara, and Scottish Highland. The breed’s progenitors were created in the Middle Ages to be used as pack animals, earning them the moniker “Chapman Horses.” To develop the modern Cleveland Bay, these pack horses were crossed with Andalusian and Barb blood, then with Arabians and Thoroughbreds.

Due to its strong, attractive appearance and stunning bay coloring, Cleveland Bays are occasionally used at state occasions and royal celebrations. They typically have a cool, collected demeanor.

Reproduction and Uses

There are currently just 500 to 800 horses left in existence, making this breed still incredibly rare. In order to produce sporty, athletic horses that are perfect for show jumping and hunting, the breed is frequently mixed with Thoroughbreds.

The Cleveland Bay is still used today to haul carriages for special events at London’s Royal Mews. Breeders who are committed to safeguarding the Cleveland Bay are crucial to the breed’s future.

Can a Cleveland bay horse run quickly?

The Cleveland Bay is a multipurpose equine that is renowned for its quickness, toughness, and agility. This breed has the stamina to keep up a rapid pace for extended periods of time and can achieve speeds of up to 30 mph.

As Pet


Nutrition and Diet

Although bays are frequently simple to keep, it can be vital to watch their diet to maintain a healthy weight because of their naturally larger stature. Although horses in intensive work may benefit from hay and grain supplementation, these horses may manage just well grazing at pasture. Any horse that is simple to maintain will require careful attention to help avoid excessive weight gain and the potential health problems that can arise.

How long does the typical Cleveland Bay horse live?

A Cleveland Bay horse will typically live between 20 to 25 years. Though some horses have reportedly lived well into their 30s. The oldest known Cleveland Bay horse passed away at the age of 35.


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