Education Moore Exotics


Choctaw Hog



60 Kilograms



Physical Appearance

They have a tiny frame and are mostly black with sporadic white patterns. They have huge, meaty wattles on each side of the neck, and their ears are either upright or just drooping.

Characteristics and Genetics

Early in the 1500s, Spanish settlers introduced the Choctaw Hog, an American breed with Spanish ancestry, to the Americas.

This is demonstrated by the single toe hoof and neck wattles that many hogs with Spanish ancestry, like the Mulefoot Hog, also have.

A rare breed, the Choctaw Hog is mostly found in southeast Oklahoma, which was once home to the Choctaw Nation. They number little more than a few hundred people. They have joined toes that resemble the hoof of a mule. They have speed and an athletic build thanks to their long legs and heavier forequarter. This may aid in their survival, but it reduces the value of their carcasses.


choctaw hog table

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