Education Moore Exotics


Chocolate Frogmouth Catfish

Chocolate frogmouth catfish


Standard Length Capped at 8 Inches

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

This species’ look is quite similar to that of the connected C. chaca. On the other hand, it lacks any of the hooklets that can be observed on chaca’s lips or body and is a little darker and redder than its close relative. This crafty fish can trick its prey by wriggling its barbels like a worm when it detects its food is nearby, as suggested by its other popular name, the angler catfish. The naive victim gets enticed to the apparent feast only to have it quickly snatched up by the catfish.

Keeping and Care of This Fish

Chocolate frogmouth catfish

  • Water Conditions

It is concealed under a layer of leaf litter and mulm and can be found living in the shallow, shady rivers of tropical rainforests. It performs best in water with a pH range of 6.0-8.0, a hardness range of 3-10 degrees hydrogen carbonate, and a temperature range of 72-79 degrees Fahrenheit (22-26 degrees Celsius) (H2CO3).

  • The Aquarium Size

For its size, this species doesn’t need a lot of room. For one specimen, a tank measuring 36 inches by 12 inches by 12 inches (90 cm by 30 cm by 30 cm) – 80 litres is sufficient.

  • Maintenance

This sedentary species does best in a dimly light tank. As the fish frequently bury themselves, it is also advised to have a soft, sandy substrate. Most plants won’t thrive in these conditions, but species that are resilient and grow attached to furnishings, such java fern and java moss, can be employed. To further replicate the fish’s native habitat, some beech twigs and dried oak or beech leaves can be added.

  • Diet

Young specimens can occasionally be weaned onto dried or meaty frozen meals. Many specimens, however, only eat live food. You can serve small fish, river shrimp, and earthworms.

  • Temperament and Compatibility

Since C. chaca is a particularly predatory species, it is best kept alone. It can devour food items nearly as large as itself and will eat almost any fish that wanders close enough to its wide mouth. It would be possible to preserve it with swift-swimming species that reside high in the water column in large, deep aquariums, but even this has dangers. However, there won’t be any issues if it is kept among other creatures of its sort.


chocolate frogmouth catfish table

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