Education Moore Exotics


Chili Rasbora



A Chili Rasbora is typically about 0.7 inches long.

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Their bodies have a variety of red and pink tones. The red hue is most prominent in a horizontal stripe running down the middle of the body. Males frequently have redder coloring than females, which is frequently more vivid. Placing the red stripe squarely on the black one produces a sharp contrast. Additionally, the fins of males have bright red patches all over them. The dorsal, anal, and tailfins frequently display them. Since the fins are translucent, tiny red spots appear to float on them.


The pH should be between 4.0 and 7.0, while the optimal range for the water’s temperature is between 68.0 and 82.0 degrees Fahrenheit (20 and 27.7 degrees Celsius). These fish prefer milder, more acidic water because it more closely resembles their natural habitats, which frequently contain rotting plant materials.

As Pet


  • Care

No matter how much experience you have, caring for a chili rasbora is thought to be rather simple. But if you want them to grow, you still need to pay attention to the environment and the water. These fish have special needs because of their small size and are readily harmed by stress and poor water quality. Chili Rasboras will not tolerate even minor adjustments that are acceptable to larger fish. You may learn everything you need to know about caring for Chili Rasbora here.

  • Tank Size

Only 5 gallons are the suggested minimum tank size for Chili Rasboras. As you can see, one benefit of keeping little fish is that you don’t need a huge tank to be successful. With that said, if at all possible, we advise choosing a larger tank. Because these fish thrive when kept in huge groups, you’ll need to expand the tank’s size to make room for them. No matter how many you decide to keep, greater swimming space is always desired. You can add more hiding spots and keep your fish from feeling crowded (which reduces stress).

  • Water Conditions

Blackwater is present in most of the bodies of water where they are located. In essence, the organic substances released by decaying leaves at the bottom are what give this water its brown color. The effect is that the water is rather acidic. Contrary to popular belief, blackwater is not unclean water. In contrast to other forms of water, it is actually quite pure and doesn’t have a lot of minerals. When it comes to nutrients, infections, or trash, chili rasboras are not very tolerant. In a moment, we’ll discuss modifying water quality.

The essential variables are listed below:

  • Water should be between 68°F and 82°F, preferably 74°F.
  • pH ranges from 4.0 to 7.0 (6.0 is ideal)
  • Hardness of water: 3 to 12 dKH


  • Diet and Food Recommendations

Micropredators are thought of as chili rasboras. They consume microscopic sources of protein such as plankton, worms, insects, and more in the wild. These fish will consume almost anything you give them while they are in captivity. A balanced meal of fish flakes or tiny pellets works well for them. They do, however, enjoy protein as well. To complement dried food, feel free to occasionally give baby brine shrimp, Tubifex, micro worms, and daphnia.


Chili Rabora Table

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