Education Moore Exotics





Size: 15 – 25 pounds

Large, muscular, and well-proportioned bodies are ideal. Cheetoh cats have proportionately sized triangle heads. The ears should have rounded tips and a wide base. The coat of the Cheetoh cat is thick, soft, and feels velvety. The coat displays spots, rosettes, or a mix of spots and rosettes. It is fairly short and does not shed easily. Black and brown spotted tan, black spotted silver, black spotted smoke, and lynx pointed gold spotted snow are other colors of Cheetoh cats. Black and brown spotted sienna, with variations of sorrel, tawny, golden, and mahogany, is another. The long, proportionate tail of a Cheetoh cat has a rounded tip and a somewhat larger base.

Origin and History

The Cheetoh cat breed is a recent development. Bengal cats and Ocicats were crossed to generate the first Cheetoh cats, which Carol Dryman invented in 2001. The objective was to develop a new breed of cat that looked like a wildcat and had a soft, kind disposition.

The Cat Fanciers Association and other breed registries have not yet approved Cheetoh cats as a legitimate breed, despite the fact that they are becoming more and more well-known because of their amazing personalities and unusual features.


Cheetoh cats are big, exotic, and lively creatures who adore having their families’ attention. They usually get along nicely with everyone, even other animals!

Even though they are eight generations distant from the wildcats that served as the breed’s ancestors, these amazing cats nevertheless have a wild appearance. They are devoted lap cats, however, and are content to curl up on the couch and spend some well-deserved time in front of the TV. Don’t let that deceive you!

As Pet



Cheetohs are cats with short hair. They don’t need as much maintenance as long-haired cats, but they still need frequent brushing to maintain their coat healthy. They do shed, but you may minimize it by brushing them every day.

In general, the Cheetoh cat requires little maintenance in terms of grooming. They don’t require a rigid grooming routine and are content with a weekly brushing.

Diet and Nutrition

There are no unique nutritional needs for Cheetoh cats. They thrive on premium cat food just like any other breed. However, because of their size, they will need a larger amount of food to maintain their energy levels.


Cheetoh cats love to play, run, jump, and pouncing. They need a lot of exercise because they have high energy. To prevent boredom and destructive behavior in these cats, it’s important to keep them engaged. If you want a cat that is autonomous and doesn’t need a lot of one-on-one attention, this breed is not for you.


cheetoh table

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