Education Moore Exotics





Fast-growing climbing vine with unique tendrils is called chayote. It has green, pears-shaped fruits with wrinkled surfaces and tiny white unisexual blossoms. There is one seed inside each 7.5–10 cm long fruit, which is embedded in the green to green-white flesh. Some varieties have fruit that is spikey or hairy.


Chayote comes in two varieties. The variety of chayote that is commonly found in supermarkets and backyard gardens. Chayotes grow naturally along rivers and streams. They frequently reside in ravines. The fruit is typically bigger and more robust in wild variants. There are sometimes tiny thorns on wild fruits.



The fruits taste similar to cooked cucumber or zucchini when they are boiled, roasted or sautéed as a vegetable. Although the peel of chayote contains a sap that can irritate certain people’s skin, it can still be eaten raw. Like potatoes, the young tuberous roots are prepared.


Fresh medium-sized chayotes contain the following:

39 calories

3 g fiber

4 g sodium

9 g carbohydrates

2 g protein


Tropical and subtropical regions from sea level to 6,000 feet above sea level are suitable for chayote cultivation. The crop is extremely vulnerable to frost. The ideal temperature range for growth and fruiting is 30C during the day and >15C at night. For flowering, it needs a day length of 12 to 12.5 hours.



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