Education Moore Exotics


Chamomile Dyers

Chamomile – dyers


Golden Marguerite, also known as dyer’s chamomile, is primarily used as a dye plant. The flowers can be utilized for producing a yellow dye, as suggested by another name for the plant: Yellow Chamomile. The colors vary based on the mordant or fixing agent being employed, from vivid to olive or brownish yellow.

With its upright form and beautiful yellow daisy-like petals, Dyer’s Chamomile is a strong but short-lived perennial. It grows to a height of 1-2 feet (30-60 cm) and a spread of 1 foot (30 cm) with fragrant, fluffy blue-green leaves. It prefers sunny, well-drained conditions, but it is highly adaptive.


It comes from Central, Eastern, and Southern Europe. Sunlight does not bleach the aromatic flowers, which have a long shelf life of two to three weeks.


The whole plant has vesicant, emetic, diaphoretic, and antispasmodic properties. The whole plant or just the flowers can be used to make the tea, which is consumed internally. It can be rubbed into piles or added to bath water when used externally and used as a poultice. Insect stings are treated with the leaves.

Chamomile – dyers.


Dyers From seed, chamomile dyers grows quite quickly and can be cultivated as an annual. When large enough, transplant outdoors to a sunny spot, about 30 cm apart, having been sown indoors in March. As an alternative, you can sow from May to July, plant in September and October, and they will flower the next summer.

Plant Care

  • It prefers sunny, well-drained conditions, but it is highly adaptive. It thrives in most types of soil, though sporadic fertilizer treatments will help. 
  • Although Dyer’s Chamomile is drought-tolerant as well, it thrives when given regular irrigation.
  • Its ideal temperature range is between sixty and sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. 
  • Its ideal temperature range is between sixty and sixty-eight degrees Fahrenheit. Since it can withstand drought,
  • Likes full sun and regular watering that allows for proper drainage, although it can also survive dry conditions.


Chamomile – dyers Table

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