Education Moore Exotics





A vegetable resembling broccoli is cauliflower. The reason cauliflower appears white is because its leaves protect it from the sun, preventing chlorophyll from forming. There are purple, lime green, and even yellow varieties of cauliflower. Purple, Green, Orange, and White are among the many colors of cauliflower, while white is the most prevalent kind.


The constant introduction of novel cauliflower types suggests that plant breeders like experimenting with the vegetable. Find out which types grow particularly well in your region by doing some research at the cooperative extension office in your area.

Lime green variety with good flavor and no need for blanching, Green Goddess F1 matures in 60 to 65 days

Snow Crown F1: One of the white types that is simpler to grow, has a short growing season, and can withstand moderate frost; it matures in 50 to 55 days.

Di Sicilia Violetta: Also known as Violetta of Sicily or by another name, this gorgeous purple, Italian heirloom variety matures in 70 to 80 days and has a sweet, nutty flavor.

Beautiful orange heads that are hesitant to bolt; F1 matures in 55 to 60 days.



Cauliflower is frequently consumed as a vegetable in cooked form or raw in relishes and salads.


92% of raw cauliflower is water, 5% are carbs, 2% are protein, and very little fat. A reference serving of 100 g of raw cauliflower contains 104 kJ of food energy, high levels of vitamin C, and moderate quantity of many vitamins B and vitamin K. Dietary mineral content is low.


This vegetable is a cool-weather crop which needs consistent temperatures of about 60 °F to form heads. The plants will only produce little heads under drought stress and will flourish in moist, nitrogen-rich soil. Clubroot, a fungal disease that regularly affects cauliflower harvests, as well as a number of other insects that feed on foliage, like aphids, cabbage loopers, and cabbage whites, make cauliflower plants vulnerable.



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