Education Moore Exotics


Cattleya Orchid


Cattleya orchids often have large, fragrant flowers that can be any form, colour, or mix of colors. Many of the species have flowers that are fairly enormous and span many inches, while others have smaller but no less lovely blooms. Depending on the species, Cattleya orchids typically only bloom once a year, while some hybrids, particularly those created by crossing Cattleya orchids with Laelia orchids, have been bred to bloom multiple times.

These orchids naturally cling to other plants, such tree branches, because they are epiphytic. Typically, the colour of their foliage is a dull green. Pseudobulbs that store water and nutrients are the source of the plants’ growth. Cattleya orchids are typically slow-growing, long-lived plants that take four to seven years to reach maturity. Once new growth starts to show after they have finished flowering, this is the ideal time to plant these orchids. In general, seeds can be sown at any time.



For optimum growth, these orchids require direct light that is brilliant. An east or west facing window with lots of light is perfect for growing plants indoors. However, a sheer curtain should be utilized to soften any glaring noon sunlight that enters through the window. In a similar vein, orchids prefer morning sunlight outside but need to be shielded from the hot afternoon heat. When orchids receive too much light, their foliage frequently becomes yellowish or, in some cases, burned brown or black.


Cattleya orchids will flourish in a commercial orchid-specific growth mix. This often consists of gravel, horticulture charcoal, coconut husk chips, tree fern fiber, fir or sequoia bark, maybe perlite, tree fern fiber, clay pellets, and more. Cattleya orchids can be slab-mounted, which is a process in which the orchid is manually fastened to a tree host, when they are grown outdoors. The orchid can be mounted by moss-wrapping the roots, wiring the plant onto a shelf made of organic materials like driftwood or cork bark, and securing it to a branch, tree trunk, or log.


The humidity level needed by these orchids should be moderate. Water when the growing medium is nearly dry; normally, once per week is adequate. Avoid letting the orchids grow in a persistently wet media because this can lead to root rot. Water deeply each time so that the water splashes the foliage and drains through the drainage holes in the container. Many orchid gardeners choose to do this by placing the orchid container in a washbasin. The foliage will have more time to dry in the light if you water in the morning. Otherwise, prolonged wetness might lead to diseases like mildew.

Temperature and Humidity

The ideal temperature range for cattleya orchids is between 55 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night and between 70 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit during the day. A plant can die from colder temperatures and frost. Although the orchids can withstand temperatures as high as 95 degrees Fahrenheit, it’s critical that they have sufficient air circulation and high humidity levels during such sweltering weather. They want a humidity range of between 40 and 70 percent generally. A common method used by growers to increase humidity around their plants is to set the orchid’s container on a tray that contains water and pebbles. In the mornings, the vegetation may also be misted. Some growers add a humidifier to the space where the orchids are kept. Additionally, these orchids do quite well in greenhouse settings.


Without fertilizers, some orchids have been known to thrive for years and even blossom. However, regular, minimum feeding will provide your plant with the nutrients it needs to thrive. Numerous gardeners advise applying a balanced orchid fertilizers at 1/4 strength once a week with each watering. If a plant receives too much fertilizers, it may begin to concentrate on developing its foliage rather than flower stalks. The roots of the orchid might potentially be harmed by too much fertilizer.


cattleya-orchids table

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