Education Moore Exotics




Mountain Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela altaica The mountain weasel (Mustela altaica), often referred to as the pale weasel, Altai weasel, or solongoi, is a rodent that prefers to live in high-altitude regions, including rocky tundra and grassy woodland. A small, active predator found in Asia’s high-altitude regions is the mountain weasel. Its winter coat consists mainly of […]

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Amazon Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela africana The tropical weasel or Amazon weasel (Mustela africana) is a species of weasel that is indigenous to South America. They have a weasel-like body shape, with tiny legs and ears and a long, slender torso. They have short fur that is light orange-tan on the underparts and reddish to dark

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Colombian Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela felipei The Colombian weasel also known as Don Felipe’s weasel or Mustela felipei, is a very rare species of weasel. The Colombian weasel has a uniformly dark dorsal colour. Ventrally, it is pale orange, with a progressive fading of colour up to the head. There are no spots or stripes in

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Japanese Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela itatsi The Japanese weasel (Mustela itatsi) is a carnivorous mammal from the family Mustelidae and is a member of the genus Mustela. Small carnivorous animals called Japanese weasels are indigenous to Japan. They have orange-brown fur with darker head patterns. Typically, the throat’s fur is white in colour. In this species,

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Long-Tailed Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela frenata The endearing-looking Long-tailed Weasel is a mustelid species that is widespread throughout America and southern Canada. The long-tailed weasel has a short neck, long body, and small head with long whiskers. Its tail’s tip is black. Its undersides are covered in white to yellow fur, while the top of its

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Yellow-Bellied Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela kathiah In central and eastern Asia, pine forests are home to the yellow-bellied weasel (Mustela kathiah). The distinctive traits of yellow-bellied weasels help to distinguish them from other weasel species. They have a chocolate brown upper body from head to tail, and a yellow underside. A lighter shade of yellow is

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Indonesian Mountain Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela lutreolina As a weasel, the Indonesian mountain weasel exhibits characteristics that all members of its genus do. Weasels have short, slender legs and long, lean bodies. They can access any space where they can stick their heads thanks to the shape of their bodies. A long, slender body has drawbacks since,

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Least Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela nivalis The body of the Least weasel is extremely flexible, thin, significantly elongated, and has a blunt-muzzled head that is no thicker than the neck. Compared to the size of their heads, their eyes are small, protruding, and dark in colour. The tail makes up less than half of the body

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Malayan Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela nudipes The Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, and Borneo islands are home to the Malayan weasel (Mustela nudipes), also known as the Malay weasel. Reddish-brown to grayish-white describes the Malayan weasel. The coloration of its head is paler than that of the body. The head is a much lighter colour (typically white) than

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Siberian Weasel

Description Scientific Name: Mustela sibirica Asia is the home of the medium-sized Siberian weasel. These animals have relatively small legs and long, stretched-out bodies. Their guard hairs, which can reach a length of 3 to 4 cm, are extremely long, velvety, and fluffy in the winter. The underfur is thick and oversized. Siberian weasels have

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