Education Moore Exotics




Red Onion

Description Red onions are cultivars of the onion (Allium cepa), which have purplish-red skin and white flesh that is tinged with red. In some countries in mainland Europe, red onions are also referred to as purple or blue onions. The skin has also been used as a dye, though they are most frequently used in […]

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chili pepper

Red Chilli

Description The pith and seeds of red chillies are the hottest parts, and they are hollow. Despite the enormous variety, many red chiles are milder than green ones. Scoville units are used to measure the heat of chillies and are related to capsaicin content. Uses The spice “Lal mirch,” also known as red chilli powder,

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Red Cabbage

Description Red cabbage is a type of cabbage that, after being prepared, is also referred to as Blaukraut. Its leaves are a dark reddish-purple hue. However, a pigment from the anthocyanin family causes the plant to alter its colour in response to the pH level of the soil. The leaves will become more crimson in

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Pointed Gourd

Description It is also referred to as parmalin, potol, parwal, and palwal. The plant spreads vegetatively and develops into pencil-thick vines (creepers) with dark-green simple cordate leaves that grow with training on a support structure (such as a trellis). Having distinct male and female blooms on staminate and pistillate plants, respectively, it is a well-developed

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Plantain Leaves

Description The leaves spiral up a very short, slightly woody stem (in perennial plants). These are broadly egg-shaped to broadly lance-shaped, hairless or covered in short, sparse hairs. The length of the leaves varies from 2 to 7 inches, and they have five to seven distinct parallel veins starting at the base. Shallow and fibrous

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Description The plants are thinned to stand 5 to 7 cm apart in the row after the parsnip seed is thinly spread in rows around half a meter apart in the spring. The majority of the root’s solids near the end of summer are made of starch, but during a period of low temperature, most

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Description Nettle is a herbaceous plant that frequently reaches a height of 2 metres. With the help of its yellow spreading rhizomes, the plant can spread vegetatively and frequently creates thick colonies. The stems and leaves of this plant have many stinging and non-stinging trichomes (plant hairs), and the serrated leaves are borne in an

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Mustard Greens

Description These greens feature oval-shaped leaves with frilled or scalloped margins and a harsh, sour flavor. They can have rough or fibrous long stalks. Mustard greens can have smooth or ruffled leaves and range in colour from bright green to purple. Varieties Ragged Edge has long, ruffled leaves, Red Giant has purple-tinted leaves, and Horned

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Description Leeks resemble overgrown green onions and have a long, white, cylindrical shaft. The folded, thick, flat leaves are substantial. Plants can be as wide as two inches and as tall as two to three feet. Second-season leeks produce a big umbel with numerous blooms when unharvested; the seeds are small, black, pointy, and irregular.

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Lamb’s Quarters

Description A tall, erect plant with many branches that can grow to a height of 5 to 6 feet. With undulate to toothed leaf edges, the leaves are triangular. A greyish waxy covering is seen on the leaves and stems. Unnoticeable flower clusters are generated on the axillary and terminal panicles. Uses You can eat

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