Education Moore Exotics



African-Helmeted Turtle

African Helmeted Turtle

The African helmeted turtle is also known as the crocodile turtle, the marsh terrapin, and the African side-necked turtle. African helmeted turtles like to spend the most of their time in freshwater swamps, lakes, dams, and pans because they are a semi-aquatic species. Because of their peculiar head-tucking tendency, these turtles are favored pets all […]

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Western Painted Turtle

Western As long as you buy a big enough tank, painted turtles are fairly straightforward to care for. Even though they dislike being handled, it’s entertaining to watch them swim around their tank. One of these magnificent turtles is cared for by even newbies. In the reptile hobby, painted turtles are among the most well-known

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Southern_painted turtle

Southern Painted Turtle

The lovely southern painted turtle is widespread, so it’s not difficult to discover one. It is ideal to purchase a southern painted turtle that has been raised in captivity. Parasites may be present in wild turtles. Additionally, wild turtles could have a hard time adjusting to life in captivity. As you may or may not

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Razor-backed-Musk Turtles

Razor-backed Musk Turtle

These turtles are the biggest variety of Musk turtles. These aquatic turtles typically conceal and hunt inside dense aquatic vegetation and live in slower-moving environments like ponds. Carnivorous Razor-backed Musk turtles eat small fish, insects, mollusks, crustaceans, amphibians, and crustaceans. Razor-backed The shell color of a musk turtle can range from black and brown to

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Loggerhead Musk Turtle

Loggerhead Musk Turtle

Musk turtles with significantly huge heads when compared to other Musk turtles are given that moniker. They typically live in wetlands, rivers, and ponds. One subspecies of the Loggerhead Musk turtle is the Stripe-necked Musk turtle (Sternotherus minor peltifer). The shells of loggerhead turtles range in color from brown to tan and have dark markings.

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Flattened Musk Turtle

Flattened Musk Turtle

Dangerously threatened, the flattened musk turtle is unique to the Black Warrior River watershed in Alabama. The name “flattened Musk turtle” refers to the turtles’ look, which is flattened, as though somebody had stepped on it. They have black spots on their dark to yellowish-brown shells. Flattened Musk turtles are predators that eat mollusks, worms,

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Common Musk Turtle

Common Musk Turtle

The most prevalent Musk turtle in the country is the Common Musk turtle. They live in wetlands and marshes with still waterways. Due to the powerful smell that common musk turtles may emit from their musk glands, they are also known as stinkpots. The shells of common muskrats are dark brown or black and unmarked.

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Musk Turtle

Small water turtles known as musk turtles are native to the United States. Although Musk turtles and Mud turtles are frequently mistaken, Musk turtles are typically a little larger and have shells that slope more steeply. Due to their small size, musk turtles are a common choice for pet turtles. Mostly carnivorous, musk turtles eat

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Yellow Mud Turtle

Yellow Mud turtles are only found in certain regions of northern Mexico, the Midwest, and the Southwest of the United States. These turtles spend a good deal of time on land and are found in wetland habitats like marshes and ponds. In sandy environments, Yellow Mud Turtles enjoy digging and burrowing. The term “Yellow Mud

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White-lipped Mud turtles

White-lipped Mud Turtle

A medium-sized species known as the white-lipped mud turtle lives in parts of Central and South America. They reside in swamps and marshes with silty or sandy bottoms that have slower-moving waters. In the event that the water level drops, they will dig into these substrates. White-lipped Mud turtles have oval-shaped, black to brown shells.

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