Education Moore Exotics




Spotted Turtle

Description The smooth, black shell of spotted turtles has yellow patches on it. In contrast to adults, who typically have more spots as they age, hatchlings typically have one spot per big scute on the shell. The head, neck, and forelegs are orange or yellow in colour. Geographical Distribution The spotted turtle can be found […]

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Pig-Nosed turtle

Pig-Nosed Turtle

The pig-nosed turtle is sometimes referred to as the pitted shell turtle and the Fly River turtle. They are incredibly old, with a species history that dates back 70 million years before the extinction of the dinosaurs. They are also the last of their family to still be alive, which makes them very unusual. They

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Mata-Mata Turtle

A fascinating-looking freshwater turtle native to South America is the mata-mata. Particularly in the Amazon and Orinoco basins, it can be found. Although this freshwater turtle isn’t as well-known as some others, such as red-eared sliders, many turtle aficionados adore it because of its distinctive appearance and amusing behaviors. This turtle resembles a hybrid plant.

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Ornate Wood Turtle

A stunning chelonian that makes a wonderful home pet is the painted wood turtle, commonly referred to as the elegant wood turtle. This sturdy turtle is a wonderful beginner pet because it doesn’t need much to flourish, especially when you take into account its elaborate design. Habitat Although hatchlings are mostly aquatic, as they get

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Bog Turtle

The little bog turtle is most frequently seen in marshes that are acidic. Glyptemys muhlenbergii is its binomial name, and it has a lifespan of up to 40 years or more. The average length of a mature male bog turtle is 3.7 inches, but the average length of a female is 3.5 inches. The rectangular

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Blanding’s Turtle

Blanding’s Turtle

Beautiful semi-aquatic turtles include the Blanding’s turtle, commonly referred to as the “semi-box turtle.” As a medium-sized turtle, they can grow up to about 10 inches in length. Their bright yellow neck and chin set them apart from other species as a distinctive trait. Typically, their upper shell is dark in color with a few

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Diamondback Terrapin

One of the most attractive turtles in the entire world is the diamondback terrapin. They were given its name because of the upper shell’s diamond design. Because of its distinctive diamond pattern, terrapins are a popular pet choice among homeowners all over the world. Care as a Pet Feed Diamondback turtles consume a wide variety

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African Sideneck Turtle

One of the rare species of pet turtles that is both entertaining to own and adorable is the African Sideneck turtle. When they become accustomed to your presence, these cute aquatic turtles will peacefully swim around their tank or watch you move around. These magnificent turtles can provide devoted novice or intermediate keepers with hours

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