Education Moore Exotics




Cat Services

Grooming The act of bathing, brushing, clipping, or styling a cat, as well as nail trimming and anal care, is referred to as cat grooming. Boarding Services Sending your cat to a facility or resort where trained specialists will care for cat and other feline guests is known as cat boarding. Training The technique of […]

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Horse Services

Grooming Horse grooming is a method of providing sanitary care to horses or improving their physical appearance in preparation for competitions like horse exhibitions. Feeding and Nutrition Feeding is simply the act of eating, as opposed to nutrition, which is the utilization of all nutrients obtained from food for an organism’s maintenance, development, and reproduction.

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Rodent Services

Grooming The transition between facial and body grooming frequently takes place in the syntactic chain pattern, which is a combination of specific and highly stereotyped sequential movements used by mature rodents. Boarding Services The term “rodent boarding services” refers to the provision of a sleeping area, daily meals, and daily exercise, and specifically excludes veterinary services

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Bird Services

Veterinary Care Avian Veterinary Care is provided by veterinarians who have chosen to specialize in the treatment of birds. Some people prefer to specialize in working with avian companion animals, while others choose to work with native species as wildlife veterinarians or in poultry industry. Grooming Trimming wings, claws, and beaks is a part of

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