Education Moore Exotics




Giraffe Seahorse

A species of ray-finned fish is called the Giraffe Seahorse, or Hippocampus camelopardalis.  A individual can reach a height of 10 cm. They can reproduce sexually. This fish species known as the Giraffe seahorse (Hippocampus camelopardalis. It can be found in Tanzania, South Africa, and Mozambique. Similar Bullneck seahorse, Réunion seahorse, Lichtenstein’s seahorse, and narrow-bellied […]

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Common Seahorse

Researchers to refer to a legendary god who was half-fish and half-horse originally used hippocampus. They are described as having a horse-like head that is 90 degrees off of an upright, armor-plated body with a curved trunk and a prehensile tail.  The bodies of spotted seahorses might be completely black and have a gritty texture,

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Lemur-tail Seahorse

Lemur-Tail Seahorse

The lemur-tail seahorse (Hippocampus mohnikei), also known as the Japanese seahorse (kitano-umi-uma and sangotatsu in Japanese), is a species of fish. The Japanese seahorse has flattened spines, a coronet that resembles a ridge, a rather long tail, and a maximum length of 8.0 cm. Its color is often dark brown. Individual specimens are recognized using

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Tiger Tail Seahorse..

Tiger Tail Seahorse

The precise number of tiger tail seahorses worldwide is unknown. According to a few studies, some islands in the Philippines once had 20 tiger-tail seahorses per square meter, but this is no longer the case as a result of a decline in the species’ population. Cyanide fishing, which harms the environment, is frequently used to

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Hedgehog Seahorse..

Hedgehog Seahorse

The fish family Syngnathidae includes the Hippocampus spinosissimus. From Taiwan and northern Australia to India and Sri Lanka, it lives in coastal waters. Overfishing as a result of both planned and accidental catch has put it in jeopardy. Because they retain the eggs in a brood pouch before giving birth to live young, this species’

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Patagonian Seahorse.

Patagonian Seahorse

The saltwater fish species known as the Patagonian seahorse (Hippocampus patagonicus) belongs to the family Syngnathidae. From northeastern Brazil to Chubut, Argentina, it lives in coastal waters. It is typically found connected to natural or man-made substrates at shallow depths.  Physical Characteristics Typically, about 6 to 15 centimeters (2.4-5.9 in) in length, H. patagonicus has

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Low-crown Seahorse.

Low-Crown Seahorse

Ogilby first referred to Hippocampus dahli as Hippocampus dahli in 1908. It is a member of the Syngnathidae family and Syngnathinae subfamily. It is frequently referred to as Low-crown Seahorse. Until recently, it was believed that the Flatface Seahorse, Hippocampus planifrons, which lives in northwestern Australia, was synonymous with the Low-crown Seahorse, which may be

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Sodwana Pygmy Seahorse.

Sodwana Pygmy Seahorse

 Hippocampus nalu, also called the African pygmy seahorse, or the Honeypot seahorse, is native to South Africa and a member of the Syngnathidae family. The Sodwana Pygmy Seahorse is the first pygmy seahorse species to be found in the waters of the African and Indian Oceans. The new Sodwana Pygmy Seahorse is a tiny creature

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Paradoxical Seahorse.

Paradoxical Seahorse

A small member of the Hippocampus genus is the contradictory seahorse (Hippocampus paradoxus). The sole specimen was discovered in 2006 after being hidden in a museum since its capture in 1995. The sole female specimen of the uncommon and paradoxical Paradoxical Seahorse, which was found in south-western Australia, lacks a dorsal fin and has a

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Japanese pygmy seahorse.

Japanese Pygmy Seahorse

This species of seahorse native to Japan, belongs to the family Syngnathidae. The Japan pig is another name for it. The following characteristics separate this species apart from its congeners: 28 tail rings, 4 sub dorsal rings, 9 pectoral fin rays, and 14 dorsal fin rays. A unique triangular bony mound dorsally on the second,

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