Education Moore Exotics



Surinam Cockroach

Surinam Cockroach

It is a widespread plant pest that originated in the Indo-Malayan region and has since spread to tropical and subtropical areas of the world, as well as to temperate climates in isolated populations where protective habitats like greenhouses provide shelter for individuals accidentally transported with plant soil. From its sexual ancestor (P. indicus) produced the […]

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Japanese Cockroach

Japanese Cockroach

This species (Periplaneta japonica), sometimes referred to as the Yamato cockroach, is a cockroach that is found in Japan initially and has adapted to colder northern temperatures. Depending on when it hatches, it has a flexible semivoltine or univoltine (1 or 2 year) lifetime. As diapause nymphs, it can spend two winters before maturing. Identification

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Turkestan Cockroach

This cockroach (Shelfordella lateralis, sometimes known as Blatta lateralis), commonly referred to as the rusty red cockroach is a native to a region that stretches from northern Africa to Central Asia. It is mostly an outdoor dweller. Adults are approximately 1.2 in long. Adult males are slender, brownish orange or red. These have yellowish long

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Asian Cockroach

Asian Cockroach

A species of cockroach called the Asian cockroach (Blattella asahinai) was initially identified from insects gathered on Japan, Okinawa Island in 1981. It’s a diminutive species of cockroach that is normally 1.3 to 1.6 cm long, tan to dark brown in color, and has dark parallel stripes on the back of its head. In and

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Florida-Woods Cockroach

Florida Wood Cockroach

The palmetto bug is another name for the native Florida wood cockroach, Eurycotis floridana (Walker), which is found in the southeast region of the country. It is a peridomestic organism that can be discovered in close by buildings like storage spaces, greenhouses, or shelters for other structures like water pumps. Although it is sluggish moving

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Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

Central and Eastern North America are home to the Pennsylvania wood cockroach (Parcoblatta pensylvanica), also known as the Pennsylvanian cockroach. The Pennsylvania wood cockroach is the one that is most likely to be found in firewood of all cockroach species in North America. Appearance Because of their extreme sexual dimorphism, wood roaches have drastically varied

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Smoky-Brown Cockroach

Smoky Brown Cockroach

A huge species of winged cockroach, the smoky brown cockroach (Periplaneta fuliginosa) can reach lengths of 32 to 35 millimeters (1.3–1.4 in). Characteristics The smoky brown cockroach (Periplaneta mahogany) and the American cockroach (Periplaneta americana) are closely related, although they are easily distinguished from one another by their uniformly light to dark brown coloration.  The

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Australian Cockroach

With a length of 23–35 mm, the Periplaneta australasiae is a common species of tropical cockroach (0.91–1.38 in). It resembles the American cockroach quite closely and might be confused for it. It has yellow stripes at its sides close to the base of its wings and a yellow edge on its thorax, however it is

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Brown-Banded Cockroach

The most well-known species of little cockroach in the genus Supella, the brown-banded cockroach (Supella longipalpa), is just 10 to 14 mm long. Its hue ranges from tan to light brown, and two light-colored bands that are highly distinct despite occasionally looking broken or crooked border its wings and abdomen. The wings may partially cover

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Oriental Cockroach

The Oriental Cockroach (Blatta Orientalis) is a big species of cockroach, with adult males measuring 18–29 mm (0.71–1.14 in) and adult females measuring 20–27 mm. They are sometimes known as water bugs because they prefer humid environments (0.79–1.06 in). It has a glossy body and is dark brown or black in hue. The female looks

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