Education Moore Exotics


Birds of Prey

Peregrine Falcon

Peregrine Falcon

Description Life span: Up to 15 years Adult Peregrine falcons have slate-gray to bluish-black backs, long, pointed wings with faint darker striping, and black wingtips. Thin, clear bands of dark brown or black that range in color from white to rusty are used to mark the underparts. The tail is long, slim, and rounded at […]

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Description Life span: Up to 30 years The osprey is unique from other diurnal raptors in a number of respects. It possesses reticulate tarsi, equal-length toes, and rounded rather than grooved talons. The only birds with reversible outer toes are the owl and the osprey, which enable them to hold their prey with two toes

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Oriental Bay Owl

Oriental Bay Owl

Description Life span: Up to 9- 10 years One variety of bay owl that is sometimes confused with barn owls is the Oriental bay owl. It inhabits the entire night and is widespread throughout India and Southeast Asia. There are various subspecies of it. It has a heart-shaped face with appendages that resemble ears. The

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Northern Saw-Whet Owl

Northern Saw-Whet Owl

Description Life span: Up to 7- 17 years The wide, light-colored faces of northern saw-whet owls contain brown and cream streaks, a dark beak, and yellow eyes. Juveniles have a tawny rust-colored breast and belly with a dark brown head and wings. The space between their eyes is also a distinguishing white, Y-shaped coloring. The

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Northern harrier.

Northern Harrier

Description Life span: About 12 years From a distance, it is simple to identify the Northern Harrier. It is a long-tailed, slender hawk with a white patch at the base of its tail that is gliding low over a marsh or grassland. It can hear mice and voles under the foliage thanks to its owl-like

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Great horned owl.

Great Horned Owl

Description Life span:  up to 30 years in captivity The strong predatory great horned owl has distinctive characteristics. The rounder cheeks and forward-facing eyes of great horned owls allow for binocular vision. They have tufts that resemble horns on the crowns of their heads. The tufts are typically darker than the rest of the head,

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Montagu’s Harrier.

Montagu’s Harrier

Description Life span: 10 years The Montagu’s harrier is a medium-sized, slender raptor with long wings. It is smaller than a buzzard and has wings that are more pointed than those of the related hen harrier. Men are grey. When flying, it has a black band across the inner wing and black wingtips. The female

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Description Life span:  3 years A little falcon found in the Northern Hemisphere is called a merlin. The merlin measures 24-33 cm in length and 50-73 cm in wingspan. In comparison to the bulk of other lesser falcons, it is larger and stronger built. The average weight of a male is about 165 g, whereas

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Martial Eagle

Martial Eagle

Description Life span: Up to 14- 25 years The Martial eagle is the biggest eagle in Africa. The adult’s feathers have a somewhat lighter border and are dark brown on the upperparts, head, and upper chest. The dark feathers might appear greyish, blackish, or even plum-colored depending on the lighting. The body’s underside is white

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