Education Moore Exotics




Fly Agaric

Scientific name  Amanita muscaria Description Amanita muscaria is a huge, noticeable mushroom that is often widespread and present in large numbers where it grows. It is frequently seen in clusters at all phases of growth. Fly agaric fruiting bodies, which look like white eggs, appear on the ground. As it rises from the earth, the […]

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Psilocybe tampanensis

Scientific name  Psilocybe tampanensis Description It resembles a variety of small brown mushrooms. It has a cap with a diameter of 0.4 – 0.9 inches and a brown to sandy brown color. The cap has a convex to conic form with a small umbo. The hygrophanous nature of the caps causes them to turn from

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Psilocybe samuiensis

Scientific name Psilocybe samuiensis  Description The cap normally has a diameter between 7 and 15 mm, is virtually hemispheric to conical in shape, and is umbonate with a little papilla. When damp, it has a reddish-brown tint, but when it dries out, it turns lighter brown. The stipe is equal to or somewhat bulbous, measuring

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Banded Mottlegill

Scientific name  Panaeolus cinctulus   Description It has a smooth, hygrophanous surface that changes color depending on water content – it is cinnamon-brown when damp and charcoal when wet, but the coloration fades as the mushroom dries fully. Typically, the outer border of the cap is darker. The mushroom’s flesh is thin and cinnamon-brown to cream-colored.

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Laughing Gym

Scientific name  Gymnopilus junonius Description The cap of the laughing gym mushroom is domed to flat, 8–30 cm broad and can be brilliant yellow–orange or orangish or red-brown in older specimens. It also has a dry, scaly surface. The fruit is yellow, has a slight odor, and tastes unpleasant. The stalk is 1-5 cm thick,

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Blue Meanies

Scientific name  Panaeolus cyanescens Description Panaeolus cyanescens  are distinguished by their short, slender stem that leads to the cap. The cap is often a light beige, nearly white appearance and develops to a diameter of 1.5 to 4cm. Due to its light color, a damaged mushroom may actually display a strong and rapid bluing reaction

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Psilocybe pelliculosa

Scientific name  Psilocybe pelliculosa Description Psilocybe pelliculosa‘s cap is firstly sharply cone-shaped and gradually widens to become widely bell-shaped, although it never becomes fully flat. Initially, the cap margin is pushed against the stem and is appendiculate, with partial veil pieces hanging from the border. When the mushroom is damp, the color varies from umber

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Psilocybe mexicana

Scientific name  Psilocbe mexicana Description Psilocybe mexicana is a psilocybin mushroom species that produces sclerotia—hardened aggregates of mycelium that operate in nature as a mechanism for the organism to withstand harsh circumstances. This mushroom’s cap has a diameter of 0.5 to 2 cm and can be conic, campanulate, or sub umbonate in appearance. The color

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Psilocybe hispanica

Description The cap has a conical to convex form with a diameter of between 0.2 and 0.4 inches. The surface is fairly smooth and the coloration is yellowish-brown.   Psilocybe hispanica’s gills are ornate, brown, and have white edges. The white or golden stem is 0.6 – 1.0 inches long and 0.02 to 0.04 inches

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Wavy Caps

Scientific name  Psilocybe cyanscens Description The caps are hygrophanous, which means that their appearance varies according to how damp they are. When they are new, they are walnut brown, but they can eventually turn buff or yellow. When young, the caps are somewhat convex, but as they mature, they become wavy and uneven. When damaged,

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