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Gemstone Chart

Gemstones Chart According to Birth Month

January Almandine Courage and bravery Andradite Strength, vitality, and protection Anhydrite Protection from negative energy and harmful people Astrophyllite Bring Wealth And Success Charoite Inner power and creativity Demantoid Emotional wounds healing and protect it from negative energy Garnet Vitality, energy, and passion Grossular Garnet Represents empowerment, hope, and everything nourishing from Mother Earth Hessonite […]

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Impact of Gemstones on Human Body

Amethyst Promote physical, mental and spiritual Bolster the immune system Promote restful sleep Reduce tension and headaches Amblygonite Beneficial for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), headaches, bone disorders, stress, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and hyperactivity. Treats genetic disorders, stomach and digestion issues. Amber Has a proven ability to reduce pain and inflammation Supplements to treat

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Irish Sea Moss.

Irish Sea Moss

Description Irish sea moss is a tiny sea algae that is usually 7-8 inches long and has a reddish-brown color. It is firm to the touch, green in places near the water’s surface, and dark red in places where it develops on the ocean floor. The moss has tiny, fan-like individual branches that are hardly

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Appearance Many of them have rounded surfaces with a waxy luster that is usually light gray, though it can also be greenish, brown, blue, or red. The word perlite comes from the fragments’ resemblance to pearls. Perlite has a few specific purposes in addition to being used as a lightweight aggregate. Geographical Distribution Perlite deposits

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Appearance On recently shattered surfaces, it appears opaque, bright, and shiny salmon pink, but it quickly becomes boring brown. Although they are rare, crystals are either cubic or dodecahedral in shape and are frequently seen in branching aggregates. Most were discovered as amorphous, branched, or flattened lumps. Geographical Distribution Despite the fact that practically every

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Appearance Their main constituents are silica and alumina, but their potassium, calcium, and sodium contents vary. They have an opaque and transparent sheen and come in a variety of hues, including colorless, white, gray, brown, yellow, and green. Geographical Distribution It has been discovered in several meteorites and on the moon. It also comprises about

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Appearance Although it is little less malleable than gold, it is nevertheless a very soft, ductile, and malleable transition metal. It is easily tarnished to either gray or black, remaining opaque and brilliant silvery white with a hint of pink. Although they are rare, naturally occurring silver crystals can be cubic, octahedral, or dodecahedral in

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Appearance The beautiful, silvery-white, extremely hard, and dense metal tungsten tarnishes in air to produce a protective oxide layer. The lustrous, grayish-white metal tungsten is a solid at normal temperature. Of all the metals, tungsten has the greatest melting point, the lowest vapor pressure, and the strongest tensile strength at temperatures higher than 1650°C. It

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Appearance The deep blue to azure hue of linarite, which can range from sky blue to navy blue, is well known. It frequently has a deep, vibrant color. The mineral usually has a glassy or slightly waxy look due to its vitreous to resinous luster. Crystals of linarite can range in transparency from translucent. They

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Appearance Jadeite comes in several hues, the most sought-after being green, however it may also be found in lavender, white, yellow, and black. Iron and chromium are two elements in jadeite’s chemical makeup that give it its green color. The most prized jadeite is called “imperial jade,” because it has a deep, transparent emerald-green hue.

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