Education Moore Exotics


Hermit Crabs


Komurasaki Hermit Crab

Description The Komurasaki hermit crab Coenobita violascens is a land hermit crablike all land hermit crabs, it has a soft abdomen that it protects with a shell. It possesses a soft abdomen, just as all terrestrial hermit crabs, which is shielded by a shell. The land hermit crab must switch out its snail shell for […]

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Ruggie Hermit Crab

Description A land hermit crab called Coenobita rugosus is comparatively small. Coenobita rugosus uses snail shells to cover its sensitive abdomen since, like the majority of hermit crab species, it lacks a complete exoskeleton. Chelae are used by these hermit crabs as lids to cover their shells. Compared to their right chelae, the left chelae

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Strawberry Hermit Crab

Description One of the crabs that is simple to recognise is this terrestrial one. It is the most beautiful member of its genus and distinguished by its orange-red colouring. This crab stands out among land crabs in terms of looks. Adults have magnificent white patches and pores all over their body that resemble human hair

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Indonesian Hermit Crab

Description Large land hermit crabs are known as Coenobita brevimanus. Because of its relatively uniform purplish body colour, Coenobita violascens is frequently confused with this species. It can also occasionally be brownish-red, though. These hermit crabs can be distinguished from other species of the same genus by their excessively big left claw with no stitch

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Halloween Hermit Crab

Description In compared to other hermit crabs, the halloween hermit crab often reaches a length of 2 inches (5.1 cm). It bears a shield that is 0.315 inches (8 mm) long and significantly flattened. It has been called “conspicuous” and is a nocturnal species. It primarily inhabits empty cone shells, primarily those of tritons or

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Ecuadorian Hermit Crab

Description A type of land hermit crab is the Ecuadorian hermit crab (Coenobita compressus), commonly referred to as the Pacific hermit crab. The colour of the carapace can vary from light to dark brown with mottling. The colour of these hermit crabs varies quite a bit. Young people’s colouring is often homogeneous and might range

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Dwarf Hermit Crab

Description It also goes by the names Hawaiian reef hermit crab, left-handed hermit crab, miniature zebra hermit crab, blue-eyed hermit crab, and other names that sound similar. This crab’s front portion is calcified, but its back portion, which is protected by the shell it lives in, is not. The eyestalks have a long, thin base

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Cavipes Hermit Crab

Description The Coenobita cavipes prefer shells such as the Thinoclavis sinesis, Thais svigny, Volema paradiscia, Turbo cornoatus, and the Terebralia palustris, preferring larger shells. There are no “stitch marks” on their major claw, which are tiny diagonal lines that run down the top of the huge claw. Either brown or blue-grey describes their body colour.

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