Education Moore Exotics


Herbal Plants



Description A species of flowering plant belonging to the Myrtle family, Myrtus communis is also known as true myrtle or common myrtle. The plant has short, leathery, lanceolate, dark green leaves. Late summer brings bowl-shaped, fuzzy, white blooms. The tasty fleshy fruit of myrtle, which resembles the size and color of purplish-black blueberries, ripens in […]

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Description The annual herbaceous plants known as mustards (Brassica spp.) belong to the Brassicaceae family and are grown for their spice-producing seeds. The slender, herbaceous mustard plants have yellow blossoms. The plant’s leaves are lobed, toothed, and sometimes have bigger terminal lobes. Plants have a maximum length of 16 cm. The individual yellow flowers have

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Description Mullein (Verbascum thapsus) grows in neglected pastures and meadows, vacant lots, roadside ditches, forest borders, fence rows, and industrial locations. Plants grow low to the ground and produce rosettes of hairy leaves during their first year of life. Each soft leaf is 4–12 inches long and 1–5 inches wide, with a gray-green color that

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Description The leaves on mugwort, a perennial plant, differ significantly in size throughout the plant. However, the shape usually stays the same, with five leaf extensions producing the appearance of a pointed arrowhead from each branch. The underside of leaves is covered in white-wooly hairs, giving them a silvery appearance, while the upper surface is

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Description A perennial herbaceous plant, motherwort belongs to the Lamiaceae family, which also includes mint. Like this potently scented plant, motherwort releases a distinct scent when crushed or bruised. This plant has tiny, pink or purple blooms that open in the summer and severely serrated, ragged leaves. There are three lobes on the upper leaves

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Description Grown mostly for commercial salad mixes, mizuna is a mild-flavored Japanese mustard. Its green leaves are lobed, and its flavor is mildly bitter. Although they are closely related to turnips, mizuna has a distinct flavor. It is incredibly simple to cultivate and readily regenerates when taken as a cut-and-come-again green. The crispness of the

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Description An aromatic plant with narrow, oval-shaped leaves that have toothed edges and pointy points, and erect, square-shaped stems. The little pink, light purple, or white blooms are placed in spikes, and the leaves are paired off. Habitat Native to southern temperate Asia and Europe, spearmint grows from Ireland in the west to southern China

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Pennyroyal Mint.

Pennyroyal Mint

Description The spreading plant known as pennyroyal (Mentha pulegium) has upright stems and blooms in whorls of pale purple flowers in the middle to late summer. The medium-green, tiny oval leaves hang down from stalks that can reach a height of one foot. The scent of crushed pennyroyal leaves is reminiscent of spearmint, although the

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Corsican Mint

Description The majority of mint kinds grow quickly and often invasively, although Corsican mint can be difficult to grow. It is a low-growing herb that hardly reaches a height of more than a quarter of an inch, with tiny, rounded, glossy green leaves on extremely short stalks. Under suitable growing circumstances, Corsican mint can become

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Chocolate Mint

Chocolate Mint

Description Chocolate mint and regular peppermint are closely related plants (Mentha piperita). To create the ‘Chocolate’ cultivar, this hybrid is created by combining M. citrata (orange mint) with M. piperita. This hybrid plant is sterile and does not yield seeds. Although it tastes like citrata mint with an orange citrus flavor, it smells like chocolate.

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