Education Moore Exotics




Appenzell Goat

Description: Goats from Appenzell are medium-sized animals. It has hair that is around mid-length, is pure white in color, and is powerfully and harmoniously constructed. These goats resemble Saanen goats, however they are a little bit smaller since their bodies are wider than Saanen goats’. The Appenzeller has a medium-to-long hair coat and is entirely […]

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White Shorthaired Goat

White Shorthaired Goat

Description: A medium-sized mammal, the White Shorthaired Goat is a goat. It looks like a cross between a goat and a Saanen. This goat has the usual features of milk goats, including strong but fine-boned bones, a deep, long body, and long legs. They have short hair without any coloring and are completely white. Certain

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west african dwarf goat

West African Dwarf Goat

Description: Goats from West Africa are achondroplastic. Horns are present in both sexes and in males they curl outward and backward. Men sometimes have manes and beards. Features include a somewhat long neck, large chest, and straight back. The udder is small but normally well-shaped, and the legs are short. The majority of goats have

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Verata Goat

Description: A small-to-medium sized, dual-purpose goat breed, the Verata. They are primarily black, chestnut, or gray in hue, with short, lustrous hair. Moreover, they feature well-sprung ribs and twisted horns that spiral forward and outward. These goats have either black or brown, short, lustrous hair. Their dorsal ridge, underside, and face fringe are all typically

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Valais Blackneck Goat

Valais Blackneck Goat

Description: Medium-sized, stocky, and muscular, they have strong legs for climbing and trekking long distances. The head and neck are short, and the forehead and muzzle are broad. Horns are long and gracefully curled, and ears are upright. Both sexes have tufts on their foreheads, long, curly hair, and beards. Behavior: They are fierce and

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Turkish Hair Goat breed

Turkish Hair Goat

Description: Legs and body are strong and well-muscled. The facial profile ranges from being straight to convex. Horns, if any, have an outward and backward curve. Although they can be smaller, semi-lop to lop ears are often huge. The body contains a thin undercoat of soft, fine cashmere and long, coarse, straight hair. Both sexes

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Thuringian Goats..

Thuringian Goat

Description: Goats from Thuringia are a medium-sized animal. They can have polls or horns. They have a chocolate-brown color with white flashes on the rump, a light facial mask, and markings on the head and legs. Behavior: Goats from Thuringia are tough and energetic animals. They are renowned for their capacity for lengthy walks and

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The Australian Miniature Goat Breed

The Australian Miniature Goat Breed

Description: The Australian Miniature Goat is a small-sized, athletic, fashionable animal with all of its body parts in proportion to its size. The animal, including an alert attitude, balance, fashion sense, and overall symmetry, must display a natural presence. Behavior: Easy to train, kind and lovable. They have a social, amiable, and tranquil personality. Benefits/Uses: 

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Spanish Goat

Description: The Spanish goat, often known as the brush goat, has horizontally positioned, somewhat long ears. The goat’s ears are situated along its face, close to its head. The body is huge yet still compact, and the meat is well-conformed. Spanish goats have many varied hair colors, and the hue is frequently not restricted to

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Somali Goat

Description: Somali goats are characterized by their long legs and neck, straight facial profile, short spiral horns, and normally carried high and curled tail. They also share a particular slender but well-muscled body type. Animals with polls are typical. Short and silky describe the coat. The Long-eared Somali has longer, horizontal or semi-pendulous ears, while

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