Education Moore Exotics




Bronze Corydoras

Size Bronze Corydoras ranges in length from two to three inches. The species’ female is larger and heavier. Physical Appearance The bodies of bronze corydoras are covered with a succession of upper and lower bony plates. They feature a stinging poison-coated spin in their dorsal fin, similar to most catfish. Keep this in mind if […]

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Blue Gourami

Size For adults, the typical blue gourami measures between five and six inches. Although there is a tiny size difference between men and females, it is not extremely pronounced. Physical Appearance The blue gourami is undoubtedly a unique and vibrant freshwater fish! Its profile is the same as that of other gourami species: long, flattened

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Blood Parrot Cichlid

Size One of the bigger cichlids is the blood parrot. Adult males grow to be 8 inches long, while adult females grow to be 6 inches. Physical Appearance The moniker “blood parrot cichlid” refers to the fish’s big, parrot-like eyes and beak-like head. These cichlids are calm neighbourhood fish with reserved personalities. A blood parrot

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Adonis Tetra

Size One of the smallest kinds of tetra, Adonis Tetras grow to a maximum length of only about an inch. Physical Appearance Adonis Tetras are a preferred option for aquarium hobbyists due to their distinctive patterning. These little fish have a slim body form and normally grow to a length of only around an inch.

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Australian Rainbowfish

Size Australian rainbow fish may grow relatively large, up to a length of 10 centimetres. Under ideal circumstances, their maximum size is 4 inches (about 10 cm). Not every species or subspecies can grow to that size, it is important to note. Most of them can reach a height of 2 inches (5 cm). Physical

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Auratus Cichlid

Size The Auratus cichlid typically grows to a length of 4.5 inches, or 12 centimetres. They can reach a height of more than 4.5 inches with the right care. However, the male Auratus cichlid is larger than the female. Physical Appearance The Auratus is a yellow cichlid with black horizontal stripes and numerous unique characteristics,

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Adolfo’s Catfish

Size The males of Corydoras adolfoi are a little bit shorter than the females, which measure around 5.5 cm. Physical Characteristic A bright orange patch can be seen on the Adolfo’s catfish between its dorsal and eyes. The fish has two distinct black stripes: one that runs across its eyes and one that runs along

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Firemouth Cichlids.

Firemouth Cichlid

Size  7-8 inches.  Physical Appearance and Habitat  Males often have longer fin rays than females and are more vividly colored (think red-orange). In contrast, women frequently have stomachs that are fuller and rounder than men’s. The bottom part of the operculum’s black mark makes firemouths easy to identify. Only while actively spawning during the mating

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Size  5 inches. Physical Appearance and Characteristic The very long, sword-like lower tail fin lobe on the male swordtail, which can grow to a maximum length of about 13 centimeters (five inches), makes this huge fish easy to identify. Similar to the platy, this species of fish has been extensively employed in research on genetics

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Size  3 inches. Physical Appearance and Characteristics  Although there are different types of Betta tails, the “veil tail” is the most common. Additional examples of tail forms include the “crown tail,” “half-moon tail,” “double tail,” and “short-finned fighting-style tail.” Other occupants may occasionally bite at one’s fins, and one should be cautious of this. These

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