Education Moore Exotics




Pom Pom Anemone Crab

Description Scientific Name: Lybia leptochelis The majority of aquarists ignore the charming and unique Pom Pom crabs. It gets its name from the hair that grows out of its arms, as the name would imply. They have the appearance of holding cheerleader pom poms thanks to the hairs that grow from the claw! Males have […]

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Orange Arm Borneo Crab

Orange Arm Borneo Crab

An unusual species with stunning markings, the Orange Arm Borneo Crab regularly reproduces in the paludarium. Java, Indonesia is home to a small, brightly colored, semi-terrestrial species known as the Orange Arm Borneo Crab (Lepidothelphusa sp.). It lives in forested settings close to rivers, streams, and ponds. Even though it spends the majority of its

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Marble Batik Crab

Marble Batik Crab

With a smooth carapace and a square-shaped body, all Marble crabs are similar in appearance. In the middle of the carapace, at the tips of two moveable eyestalks, are their eyes. Adult Marble crabs are only 1.5 to 2.5 cm (0.5 to 1 inch) long on average (shell width). They barely measure 4 to 5

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red apple-crab

Red Apple Crab

Depending on how it feels, this crab changes its color. They change color from a bright red when they are confident in their own skin (shell!) to a rust-brown when they are depressed. As long as there are sufficient hiding places, these crabs are fairly tolerant. They can be paired with members of their own

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Gold Claw Crab

Gold Claw Crab

Golden Claw is the interesting fiddler crab is a popular “alternative” pet and is noted for being a fascinating creature. Due to its animated antics and comparatively simple maintenance requirements, Uca sp., sometimes known as the Mini Crab, is incredibly well-liked. Hardy in nature, the fiddler crab thrives in the right environment. Florida’s brackish, intertidal

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Rainbow-Land Crab

Rainbow Land Crab

Because they are partially aquatic, rainbow crabs are wonderful pets that you can enjoy both in and out of the water. Along with being visually attractive, they have eyes that resemble goggles and bright hues. Although caring for Rainbow Crabs is not very challenging, they do require a specialized tank and either a paludarium or

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Matano Crab

Matano Crab

These crabs have lovely purple coloring, matching white joints, and white eyestalks. The claws and body of males are larger than those of females. They typically live entirely underwater. If you keep matano crabs near certain fish and snails, you’ll find that they have a reputation for aggression. They are nocturnal, like certain crabs, so

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Thai Micro Crab

One of the easiest crab species to care for is this one. They can thrive in a variety of settings that the majority of aquarists are accustomed to. They are also very well-looking! These tiny animals differ significantly from the majority of the species that other aquarists keep. They appear to be from a different

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FreshWater Pom Pom Crab

Freshwater Pom Pom Crab

These crabs are known as cheerleading crabs because of the tiny hairy patches on their claws that give them the appearance of holding pom-poms. These tiny crabs can easily eat some algae because they can collect food with the help of these hairs. Since they spend all of their time in the water and are

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Panther Crab

Even while fish are fantastic, some folks prefer something a little different. Crabs have an entirely different look, and the Panther Crab is one of the most alluring. These creatures will capture your attention with their unusual appearance. They are also simple to maintain, which tempts beginners to choose them. However, you must exercise caution

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