Education Moore Exotics



Plymouth Rock Chicken

Plymouth Rock Chicken

A domestic chicken breed popular in America is called the Plymouth Rock. It was discovered for the first time in Massachusetts in the nineteenth century, and for a significant portion of the early twentieth century, it was the most popular breed of chicken kept in the country. It is a chicken that is raised for […]

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Brown Leghorn

Light Brown Leghorn

Leghorn chickens come in various color variations, including Light Brown Leghorns. They are lively, slender birds that lay a lot of eggs each year. They are the ideal bird for anyone looking for a high-yield white egg layer. Appearance Leghorns have a body type like that of the Mediterranean region, with a thin physique and

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Australorp Chicken

The Australorp is an Australian-bred chicken breed that was created as a utility breed with an emphasis on egg production. It is renowned for producing more than 300 eggs each clutch. It became well-known all over the world in the 1920s after the breed repeatedly broke records for the quantity of eggs laid, and has

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Araucana Chicken

The Araucana is a domestic chicken breed from Chile (Spanish: Gallina Mapuche). Its name comes from the Araucana area of Chile, which is thought to be its original home. It is one of the very few breeds that produces eggs with blue shells. Appearance According to the current Araucana Standard, a medium- to large-sized chicken

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Andalusian Chicken

Blue Andalusian is another name for the Andalusian chicken. It is known as Andaluza Azul in Spanish. In the southwest of Spain, in the region of Andalusia, there is a native breed of chicken known as Andalusian chicken. The Andalusian people’s motherland and origin are centered in the Utrera region, where they are more numerous.

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ancona chicken

Ancona Chicken

The Ancona chicken breed originated in the Italian Marches region but was mostly developed in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. It has the name of Ancona, the Marche region’s capital. Appearance Chickens from Ancona have distinctive coloring. They have black feathers with white tips and white spots on them. They have white earlobes,

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Ameraucana Chicken

An American domestic chicken breed is the Ameraucana. It was created in the United States in the 1970s and is a result of Chilean Araucana chicken imports. It was bred to keep the blue-egg gene while removing the parent breed’s deadly alleles. There are bantam and regular-sized variations. Appearance One of the few chicken breeds

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