Education Moore Exotics




Genetics of Significant Observable Traits in Chickens

Understanding the reasons behind the existence of particular notable observable features in particular chickens is useful when breeding chickens. These characteristics include skin colour, shank/foot colour, feather colour, and comb type. Comb Type Genetics Figure following illustrates the various forms of combs found in chickens. Historical significance can be attributed to the hens comb type […]

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Ayam Cemani

Description Scientific Name: Gallus Gallus Domesticus An endangered breed of chicken from Indonesia is called Ayam Cemani. The chicken known as Ayam Cemani is entirely black. This results in an all-black appearance for their eyes, comb, wattle, skin, and feathers. The blood of this breed is the sole component that is not black. Because the

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Fayoumi Chicken

Egyptian chickens of the Fayoumi or Egyptian Fayoumi breed. It is derived from and called for the Fayoum governorate, which is located west of the Nile and southwest of Cairo. It is thought to be an old breed. Description Chickens from the Fayoumi tribe are quite little, with big, dark eyes, and tails carried high.

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Leghorn Chicken

The Leghorn chicken breed hails from Tuscany, in central Italy, and is also known as Livorno or Livornese. The western Italian port city of Livorno in Tuscany was the origin of the first bird export to North America in 1828. The breed was initially referred to as “Italians,” but by 1865 it had adopted the

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delaware chicken

Delaware Chicken

A breed of chicken known as the Delaware was developed in the American state of Delaware. It originally played a significant role in the U.S. poultry business, but today it is in grave danger. It lays rather well but is mostly suited to meat production. Its distinctive pattern on its plumage qualifies it for inclusion

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ISA Brown Chicken

A chicken crossbreed with sex-linked coloring is called the ISA Brown. It has genes from a variety of breeds, the list of which is a carefully held secret, and is believed to be the product of a complex series of hybrids, including but not limited to Rhode Island Reds and Rhode Island Whites. It is

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Welsummer Chicken

The Dutch breed of domestic chicken known as the Welsummer or Welsumer. It was created in the tiny Dutch village of Welsum in the east. Beginning in the early 1900s, it was bred from local mixed-ancestry poultry, including Rhode Island Reds, Barnevelders, Partridge Leghorns, Cochins, and Wyandottes. Description Dark brown dominates the majority of the

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Marans Chicken

The Marans, also known as the Poule de Marans, is a French breed of chicken that is raised for both its meat and its dark-brown eggs. The Nouvelle-Aquitaine region of southwest France, close to the port town of Marans, in the département of Charente-Maritime, is where it first appeared. Only one other chicken breed, the

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