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Old World Swallowtail butterfly

Old World Swallowtail

A member of the Papilionidae butterfly family is the Old World swallowtail, or Papilio machaon. The butterfly is often referred to as a swallowtail or a common yellow swallowtail (a common name applied to all members of the family, but this species was the first to be given the name). Amazing Facts The specific name […]

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Pieridae Butterfly

Pieridae Butterfly

The Pieridae are a vast family of butterflies, consisting of 76 genera and 1,100 species, most of which are found in tropical Africa and Asia, however some are also found in more northern North America and Eurasia. The majority of pierid butterflies have colorations of white, yellow, or orange, frequently with black markings. Interesting Facts

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Peacock Butterfly

Peacock Butterfly

The colorful butterfly Aglais io, also known as the peacock butterfly or simply the European peacock, can be found in temperate Asia as far east as Japan. It used to be categorized as the sole member of the genus Inachis, whose name comes from Greek mythology and refers to Io, Inachus’ daughter. Amazing Facts This

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Brimstone Butterfly

Brimstone Butterfly

Opisthograptis luteolata is a member of the Geometridae family. It can be found in western Asia and the Palearctic. The brimstone moth lives in meadows, wooded areas, and scrubs. Amazing Facts Brimstone is a nickname for this butter that comes from an old word for sulphur.  In comparison to many other butterfly species, their lifespan

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Eastern Comma Butterfly

Eastern Comma Butterfly

The Eastern Comma is a type of butterfly that can blend in beautifully with tree bark and dried leaves. It also has wing markings that resemble bird droppings. Interesting Facts One of the rare butterflies that is expanding in range is the comma, probably as a result of climate change.  The species enjoys tanning, whether

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Brush-Footed Butterfly

Brush Footed Butterfly

There are over 6000 species of brush-footed butterflies in the world, all of which are members of the Nymphalidae family. The mourning cloak (Nymphalis antiopa), fritillary, limenitis, milkweed, and monarch butterfly are among their most prevalent species. Amazing Facts Adults are exclusively active throughout the day. While some caterpillars eat during the day, others do

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Painted Lady Butterfly

Painted Lady Butterfly

The Cynthia group of vibrant butterflies includes the butterfly known as the Painted Lady. This butterfly is related to the red admiral. A subgenus of the genus Vanessa in the Nymphalidae family is called the painted lady. The majority of the globe has them.  Amazing Facts Every continent except for Australia and Antarctica, where it is

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Red-Admiral Butterfly

Red Admiral Butterfly

A well-known and colorful butterfly that lives in temperate regions of Europe, Asia, and North America is the red admiral (Vanessa atalanta). Its wingspan is 45–50 mm (1.8–2.0 in). Only in warmer climates is the species a permanent resident, but it migrates north in the spring and perhaps again in the fall. Amazing Facts There

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Gossamer Wing Butterfly

Because some of the butterflies of the Gossamer Wing family have transparent, delicate wings that resemble the supple, filmy, sheer fabric known as gossamer, they are referred to as “gossamers.” Amazing Facts There are over 4,750 species in the Lycaenidae family worldwide. Although some species of this family are widespread and common, several have unique

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Snowtail Butterfly

A species of butterfly with breathtaking beauty is the black swallowtail. Although it shares some characteristics with a few other species, this beauty may be identified thanks to a few distinctive markings on it. Other names for it include American swallowtail butterfly, Parsnip swallowtail, and Eastern black swallowtail butterfly. Amazing Facts The term “swallowtail” comes

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