Education Moore Exotics




Amazon Parrot

Description Lifespan: 50-60 years The majority of amazon parrots are green with contrasting colors on the crown, face, and flying feathers; these colors differ between species. They have short, rounded tails and wings and are medium- to large-sized parrots. They have a large bill, an obvious notch on the top of the mandible, and a […]

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Nicobar Pigeon

Description Lifespan: 8-12 years Mostly found in South East Asia and Oceania, the Nicobar pigeon (Caloenas nicobarica) is a large, beautiful bird. The grey head and upper neck feathers of Nicobar pigeons, which change to green and copper hackles, have developed into a bright plumage. The tail is short and entirely white. Metallic green makes up

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Victoria Crowned Pigeon

Description Lifespan: 24-28 years The Victoria crowned pigeon is a large, bluish-grey bird with graceful, lace-like blue crests, a maroon breast, and red eyes. It belongs to the Goura genus, which contains four distinct, enormous, ground-dwelling pigeons that are native to the New Guinea region. The bird may be easily identified by its distinctive white

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Quaker Parakeet

Description Lifespan: 20-30 years A species of true parrot belonging to the Psittacidae family is the monk parakeet (Myiopsitta monachus), commonly referred to as the Quaker parrot. It is a tiny green parrot with a grey breast and a greenish-yellow abdomen. The throat, cheeks, and lores are a light grey colour. The edges of the

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Pionus Parrot

Description Lifespan: 25 years Pionus parrots are typically up to 12 inches in length. They have a square tail like Amazon parrots, red feathers on their vent, and a fleshy, exposed eye ring that surrounds the entire eye. The bulky body, naked eye ring (which can vary in colour), and short square tail are traits

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Indian Peacock

Description Lifespan: 15 years Brightly colored and mostly ground-dwelling, the Indian peacock (Pavo cristatus) is a species of bird. The male Indian peacock is a colorful bird with a crest made up primarily of blue feathers with spatula tips. Its long train (tail) is made up of extended upper-tail covert feathers with vivid eyespots. During

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Green Peacock

Description Lifespan: 10-50 years Southeast Asian tropical forests are home to the green peacock, sometimes known as the Indonesian peacock or Pavo muticus. Particularly in the wild, the male and female look quite much alike. Both sexes have lengthy upper tail coverts that conceal the underside of the true tail. While the female’s coverts are

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Congo Peacock

Description Lifespan: 15-20 years The African peacock, commonly referred to as the Congo peacock or mbulu by the Bakôngo, is a species of peacock. Its scientific name is Afropavo congensis. The male’s feathers are deep blue with a green and violet tinge, though far less striking than those of its Asian cousins. It has grey

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Description Lifespan: 15-50 years Peacocks, commonly referred to as “peacock,” are big, vibrant birds that are native to Asia and India. The blue and green peacock are the two species. The Congo peacock is a third species found in Africa that belongs to a separate genus. A peacock is a bright blue bird with gleaming

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Pouter Pigeon

Description Lifespan: 7-10 years A tall pigeon breed known as a big, rounded, and inflated crop distinguishes the English pouter. The bird automatically assumes a standing posture, which enhances its beauty. Its eye should rest above the ball of its foot when it is standing. The head of a pigeon resembles a dove and is

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