Education Moore Exotics


Cardinal Tetra



An average adult is about one and one and a half inches tall (2.5 – 3.8 cm).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The ventral sections of the cardinal tetra are red, and a horizontal line is blue. This fish’s iridescence, as well as those of related fish like the neon tetra, is caused by light refraction within guanine crystals in subcutaneous iridocytes. Depending on where in relation to the fish the spectator is looking, several shades of blue are apparent; if viewed from below, the color becomes more sapphire blue and even indigo. A greener shade can be seen above the fish. In captivity, cardinal tetras enlarge more than they do in the wild. Big stomach, little gut.


pH should be less than six and hardness should be four dGH. In this species, high mineral water contributes to poor health and shorter lifespans. The water is between 73 and 81 degrees Fahrenheit (23 to 27 degrees C).

In Captivity  

Cardinal Tetra

  • Care

Since cardinal tetras are durable fish, even novice aquarium hobbyists may easily maintain their happiness. Clean water and the proper water parameters are crucial for the health and pleasure of Cardinal Tetra. Cardinal Tetras will flourish in the home aquarium if their demands are addressed.

  • Diet

Cardinal Tetras can be found in the wild consuming worms and tiny crustaceans. They will consume plant debris as well and are opportunistic feeders. They will happily consume dried or flaked food in captivity, along with the occasional meat snack. Only give Cardinal Tetras food that they can finish in approximately two minutes at each feeding, which should be done twice daily. By doing this, you may lessen the amount of waste in your aquarium, which will keep the water cleaner. Setting meal times with care is important because it is simple to overfeed Cardinal Tetra.

  • Size, temperature, and pH of the tank

The minimum tank size for cardinal tetras is 20 gallons. Although Cardinal Tetras are schooling fish that love to dwell in big groups, it has been said that they will thrive in smaller tanks of roughly 10 gallons. Cardinal Tetra schools can number in the thousands in the wild. You must choose a high-quality heater because the Cardinal Tetra prefers water temperatures between 71 and 83 degrees Fahrenheit. It’s crucial to keep an eye on a Cardinal Tetra tank’s kH as well. It must maintain a level between 2 and 6 kH. By doing this, you can neutralize acids and stop the pH of the aquarium from shifting too quickly, which could harm your fish. A Cardinal Tetra should have a pH of between 5.0 and 7.5.

  • Tank Companions

The Cardinal Tetra is a friendly fish that can live in a community tank with many different fish species as long as there is enough space for each type. Gouramis, other Tetra species, Betta fish, guppies, rasboras, and mollies get along well with cardinal tetras in aquariums.

Because they are tiny fish, Cardinal Tetras do not get along with bigger, more aggressive, or predatory species. Don’t keep Cardinal Tetras in a tank with any fish that might devour small fish. Generally speaking, a tank mate is not the best choice if their mouth is large enough to swallow a Cardinal Tetra.


cardinal tetra table

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