Education Moore Exotics


Cameroon Dwarf Gecko

Cameroon dwarf geckos


Scientific name: Lygodactylus conraui   

Life span: 5-8 years

The common name for the Cameroon dwarf gecko (Lygodactylus conraui) is Conrau’s dwarf gecko. Normal coloring consists of several tones of gray for the backdrop color. A black line that starts at the nostril travels down the muzzle, across the eye, and around the back of the head before joining a lighter dorsal line at the neck. This one travels from the tail slightly to the side of the back. Except for the limbs, the entire body, starting at the nape of the neck, is covered in sporadic white patches of varying sizes. A slender black line may be used to separate these. The three longitudinal lines that go down the middle of the back and the lighter dorsal lines are where the greatest spots cluster together.

Native Region/Habitat

The native range of the species is in West and Central Africa.

Cameroon dwarf geckos


The dwarf gecko of Cameroon is exclusively nocturnal. To rest and unwind, they require UV light and a “sunny spot.” The Cameroon dwarf gecko is a calm and sociable creature. If there is enough room, they can be housed in pairs or in mixed groups.

Care As a pet/In captivity:

  • The terrarium needs to be the right size to maintain the species properly. For the tiny Cameroon dwarf geckos, a replica measuring 50 x 50 x 70 cm is more than sufficient.
  • When it comes to equipping the terrarium, there are no restrictions on your imagination. The new habitat must include a substrate that can hydrate animals, though. Use of soil, bark, or humus are suggested solutions for this. Moreover, planting is highly relevant. For climbing and hiding, use climbing plants, bamboo tubes, and branches.
  • The dwarf gecko of Cameroon is exclusively nocturnal. To rest and unwind, they require UV light and a “sunny spot.” Throughout the day, the terrarium’s temperature should range from 25 to 28 degrees Celsius. The temperature can drop to 21–24° C in the afternoon and evening.
  • The Cameroon dwarf gecko enjoys moisture. The humidity in the terrarium should be between 60 and 80 percent throughout the day, and it can go up to 90 percent at night. Spraying the terrarium with water several times a week is advised.
  • Diet: The food that young Lygodactylus consume is proportionate to their size. Drosophila, springtails, little crickets, and white isopods are very well-liked. Also, you could include fruit yoghurt or pulp. Before each feeding, the feed should be dusted with a vitamin or mineral preparation to help prevent deficiency symptoms. Young animals grow in this fashion rather quickly, and within a year they should be sexually mature.


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