Education Moore Exotics


Burmilla Cat



 Size: 7-18lbs.

Burmilla is a medium-built, short-haired cat. It is strong and muscular, with males being more robust and females being more graceful and slimmer. They have a softly rounded head, a modest wedge-shaped face, and wide-set ears. Eyes are big, somewhat almond-shaped, lively, and can vary in color from gold to green. 

Their coat is thick with a light undercoat and striking black tipping to the hair ends, giving the cat a silvery appearance that is accentuated by darker margins around the eyes and conspicuous M markings on the forehead. They can have both long and short hair.



 Activity Level: Calm

Social needs:  Enjoy companionship, love being patted by owners

The Burmilla retains many kitten-like traits into maturity and is gregarious, playful, and friendly. It gets along well with other family pets and with kids who behave responsibly around cats. Burmillas are calm cats who like playing on a regular basis. They like having their stomachs rubbed and being patted by their owners. Despite their friendliness, they are also pretty independent and irreverent cats that can spend time alone and are not excessively or vocally demanding.


In the United Kingdom, an unexpected mating between a Chinchilla Persian male and a Burmese queen produced the Burmilla in the early 1980s. It was chosen to continue with a breeding experiment to develop a new breed

Care as a Pet

Burmillas with short hair don’t need much care; a quick brushing here and there will help maintain their coats shining and remove any loose hair. Regular (weekly) brushings and the occasional bath help longer-haired burmillas maintain their silky hair’s natural shine.

Burmilla cats make entertaining pets because they frequently have a kitten-like zest for life far into maturity. But because of this playful and inquisitive nature, you should make sure your burmilla has enough enrichment and stimulation in the house. A bored burmilla might look for its own sources of entertainment, which might involve acting destructively.

Nutrition and Diet

Like all cats, the burmilla requires a nutritious, high-protein diet. Although they are less likely to become obese than some other breeds, you should still take care to avoid overfeeding them.

Grooming needs

Regardless of whether it has long or short hair, grooming should be fairly simple. Although both coat lengths are susceptible to matting, weekly brushing is sufficient to reduce any significant tangles and knots.


burmilla table

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