Education Moore Exotics


Brown Dottyback

Brown Dottyback.


A brown dottyback can grow up to 3.937 inches in length.

Physical characteristics and behavior

The largest Pseudochromis species is the brown dottyback. They feature additional softer rays on their dorsal and anal sides in addition to three sets of spines on their backs. This kind of fish has been found in a range of hues, from brilliant yellow to dark brown. These blue spots are typically found on the neck and front of the torso.

Keeping as Pet

Brown Dottyback fish

  • Ideal Tank Parameters

The optimal habitat for orchids is a marine tank with a minimum volume of 30 gallons. It’s because they require a lot of places to hide where they can hide when they feel threatened. These fish will first be cautious and try to hide when you first put them in your tank. They won’t be able to adapt to their new habitat for quite some time. After a few days, they ought to crawl out of their hole and more confidently explore the new area. They’ll become more curious and daring as they mature, and they’ll probably end up becoming your favourite aquarium fish.

The following are the best water conditions for dottybacks:

  • Temperature: 73 to 77 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Levels of Water Hardness: 8 to 12 dKH
  • Specific Gravity: 1.021 to 1.025 pH: 8.2 to 8.4

Always introduce them to an established saltwater aquarium, despite the fact that they are a resilient species. They can jump out of the tank with great ability, thus a tight lid is necessary for their survival.

It’s simple for them to become frightened and seek for the sky, ultimately dying. Additionally, you must seal any outlets that lead outside the tank because Dottybacks have a habit of sneaking out.

  • Tank Setup: Additions

They are completely compatible with corals and invertebrates and safe for reef environments. To build their dens, they require many places to hide. Install a variety of tunnels and rock formations to start, which they can utilize to flee if they sense danger.

Most Dottybacks come from depths of 70 feet or more. The sun’s natural light dims away at these depths. Thus, they favor tanks with low lighting. The majority of tanks with strong lighting will kill them from stress.

  • Cleaning Tips for Tanks

Compared to freshwater aquariums, saltwater aquariums require more cleaning. 25% of the water must be partially cleaned each month, or 15% of the water each week. To increase the clarity of the water, it is a good idea to add a tiny bit of activated carbon to the tank.

As the first line of defense against bioload, waste, and other unwanted debris that penetrate the aquarium, it is important to regularly clean the filter. Manually removing and replacing these filters might be time-consuming. Having a few extras on hand makes it simpler to replace them once during maintenance.


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