Education Moore Exotics


Britski’s Catfish



When completely developed, it will have a maximum length of 8.8 cm (3.5 inches).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Brochis britskii have deep bodies and triangular forms like their Corydoras cousins. The snout of Brochis britskii is tiny and rounded. The dorsal fin typically includes 15–18 soft rays (in comparison, Brochis multiradiatus has 17 while Brochis splendens has 12). The ventral shield guards the skull beyond the mental barbels. Brochis britskii has two rictal and one mental barbels. There is a small amount of serration on the pectoral fin’s spine. The color of the head and body is pinkish-tan. metallic blue or greenish-blue bony scutes that are dorsolateral. Pinkish-tan body scutes on the ventral side. All of the fins—adipose, pectoral, ventral, and caudal—are tan.

Care as Pet

Britski's catfish.

  • Water Conditions

For Brochis britskii, water that has a pH between 6.5 and 7.2 and a hardness between 0 and 12 degrees dGH is suitable.

  • Food 

The Brochis Britskii are not picky eaters when it comes to diet. Pellets, flakes, live, frozen, and other foods are all acceptable to them. To make sure they get all the nutrients they require, advice giving them a mixture of all these various food items. Their favourite foods are daphnia, bloodworms, and brine shrimp. They should be fed two to three times every day, but only with enough food for a quick meal. By doing this, you can avoid overfeeding and maintain a clean tank. Overall, Brochis Britskii is an excellent addition to any freshwater aquarium and requires little maintenance.

  • Tank Sizes

Before introducing these fish to your tank, you must be aware of the appropriate size aquarium tank for their care. So let’s first concentrate on this. A 20-gallon aquarium tank is the ideal size for keeping Brochis Britskii. They can be kept in a 10-gallon aquarium, but I do not advise it because they require room to roam about and investigate. Additionally, keeping more of these fish in a larger tank is usually a plus!

  • Tank Companions 

Fish from the calm community, such as the following, make suitable tank mates for Brochis Britskii: Otocinclus catfish, Platies, Mollies, Rasboras, Barbs, Guppies, Corydoras catfish, Kuhli loaches and Tetras.

These are only a few examples; Brochis britskii might get along well with many other fish. Just be sure to select fish with comparable care needs and peaceful personalities.


britski's catfish table

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