Education Moore Exotics


Border Terrier

Border Terrier

Small, rough-coated terriers of the Border Terrier breed originate from Britain. Along with the Bedlington Terrier and Dandie Dinmont Terrier from the same region, it is an Anglo-Scottish border region breed. 


The Border Terrier was designed to have small bodies that could crawl into foxes’ burrows and pursue them out, giving the hunters a blank shot, and long enough legs to keep up with the horses and other foxhounds that traveled with them. Strong teeth, a large cranium, and a somewhat short muzzle characterize Border Terriers. On the sides of the head, the V-shaped ears point in the direction of the cheeks. Grizzle-and-tan, blue-and-tan, crimson, and wheaten are common coat hues. Short and few whiskers. 

border terrier

Care as a Pet/ In Captivity

Border collies can’t stand being left alone. Your dog needs someone to travel with and something specific to do; space alone is insufficient. This dog could get into bad behaviors like chasing automobiles, digging, gnawing on furniture, or barking when it’s bored. If you want your border collie to thrive, you must provide it with a tone of activities. In order to herd people and other animals into line, this dog will also likely engage in the traditional herding activity of nudging and biting them. Altercations may develop if your home has multiple pets.


The breed is among the most intelligent canines and is easily taught new skills. It is crucial to provide this intelligent dog with thorough training, which shouldn’t be too challenging. Ensure that your dog has received the appropriate socialization to ensure its comfort in a variety of settings.


Border terriers don’t require much grooming. They should be brushed every day for a few minutes. This will remove any dead hairs, and loose undercoat. Brushing will remove any dry dirt on the coat. Naturally, the tail is medium in length, thick at the base, and tapered. 

Although border collies who are active may have naturally worn-down nails, it’s crucial to constantly check the nails and clip them as necessary. The feet will stay comfy and healthy as a result of this. Additionally, you should be mindful of dental care and brush your dog’s teeth at least twice or three times every week. To keep them trim and healthy, dogs require a complete, balanced diet. 


Two meals should be provided daily for a border collie. Each time, depending on the size and activity level of the dog, 75 to 1 cup of dry dog food. Make careful to supply pure, fresh water. We ought to give them comprehensive dog food that is of good quality and readily available in stores. Typically, we advise dividing their daily allotment into two meals. 


It’s critical to realize that border collies are incredibly energetic canines. For the body and mind to be busy and in good form, this breed requires a tonne of exercise and activities. You must be able to give at least one (ideally two) lengthy, brisk walk per day for a total of two hours. You must always walk with a leash because border collies have a tendency to chase bicycles and cars. To help the dog burn off some energy and give it something to focus on, play fetch or Frisbee in a secure area. They are excellent herders, but they also perform well in most dog sports, particularly agility and disc dog competition.

dog border terrier


Border Terrier Table

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