Education Moore Exotics


Bolivian Ram



Adults are 3 inches (7.5 cm).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

Blue-green dots and fins with red and green borders decorate the brownish-gold body. A black line running down the center and a black mark on either side of their eyes distinguishes Bolivians. Similar to other Cichlids, rams form tight pair bonds while mating. Bolivian rams spawn on the accessible substrate, and both parents give their young careful, cautious care. They might experience color changes associated with mood.


As tropical fish, Bolivian Rams flourish in water that is between 74.0 and 78.0 degrees Fahrenheit. A pH range of 6.0 to 7.4 and a water hardness of 6 to 14 dGH are appropriate. These fish experience stress from too much current.

Keeping as Pet


  • Tank Size

The starting point for a group of 6–8 species’ ideal tank size is 200 litres (44 gallons). Use a substrate with a sandy bottom, a few snags, and place tank plants in specific locations of the tank bottom to leave some empty spaces there.

  • Tank Decoration

In order to provide the fish room to swim, tank plants must be densely planted to provide shady regions. Numerous shelters are needed for these fish species. You can utilize rocks, snags, fake caves, and rock shelters for this. In the future, spawning may take place between a pair of big flat stones. The bolivian ram prefers soft, diffused light, which you can give them by putting some floating plants on the water’s surface of the tank.

  • Water Characteristics

Since this cichlid doesn’t require the same level of water purity as ram cichlids, it may tolerate some minor oversights or neglect on the part of the tank’s owner. A tank with constant water parameters, including pH 6.0-7.5, hardness 5–15 dGH, and water temperature 23–28 °C (73–82 °F), is preferred for keeping bolivian rams.

  • Feeding

The bolivian ram is undemanding and omnivorous. The fish with a relentless appetite consume all bloodworm, daphnia, tubifex, and artificial food. Fish can then be fed both live and frozen food at that point. Include specific food in the diet to make sure the fish exhibits its brightest coloration.


bolivian ram table

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