Education Moore Exotics


Blue Kyanite

Blue Kyanite


Its color is usually patchy blue, however it can also be gray, white, or, very rarely, light green. It can also fluctuate in color from mild to deep blue. Though less frequently discovered as distinct euhedral (well-shaped) crystals, which are especially valued by collectors, it usually forms sprays of bladed crystals.

Geographical Distribution

When a continent collided during the formation of the Pangaea supercontinent, kyanite was created under tremendous pressure and is found in Manhattan schist. It can also be found in Brazil’s Minas Gerais and the Appalachian Mountains’ pegmatites. Magnificent examples can be seen in Switzerland in Pizzo Forno.


Other names for kyanite include “cyanite,” “disthen,” and “sapparite.” The German mineralogist Abraham Gottlob Werner gave the gemstone the popular name “Kyanite” in 1789. This gem’s name, κύανoς, is Greek in origin and translates to “dark metal,” “blue glass flow,” or “ultramarine.”

Metaphysical Properties

Those who want to improve their psychic skills, such as clairvoyance, clairsentience, and clairaudience, are thought to benefit from kyanite. For those who are interested in astral travel, kyanite is a useful stone for promoting clarity and understanding.

Blue Kyanite.

Chemical Composition

Kyanite, having the chemical formula Al2SiO5, is an aluminum silicate. The Greek word “kyanos” (which signifies blue) is the source of its name.


A powerful healing crystal, blue kyanite offers numerous health advantages for the body, mind, and soul. It can facilitate spiritual development and enlightenment, remove blocks and bad energy, and enhance relationships and communication.


Blue Kyanite Table

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