Education Moore Exotics


Black Phantom Tetra

Black phantom tetra


A typical black phantom tetra has a maximum good length of 3.6 cm (1.4 in).

Physical Characteristics and Behavior

The Black Phantom Tetra is compressed laterally into an oval shape like other tetras. This type of fish typically reaches sexual maturity at a length of 1 3/4 inches (4.5 cm) and has a lifespan of 5 to 6 years. The dorsal and anal fins of this fish have a large black patch behind the gills and are black in the front. Close to the body, the dorsal fin and tail fin are initially gray, but as they stretch outward, they turn mostly black. The brilliant colors of the females are absent in the males. The anal, pectoral, and adipose fins of this species’ females are vivid red in color. The dorsal fin of the male is painted a darker, smoky gray color, and he is larger overall.

Keeping as a Pet

Black phantom tetra

  • Water Conditions

The Black Phantom Tetra can endure in water that ranges in dH hardness from 1 to 18. Although dH 10 is ideal. The ideal pH range is 6.0 to 7.5, with 6.5 being the sweet spot. Ideal temperatures range from 71.5 to 82.5 degrees Fahrenheit (22 to 22 degrees Celsius).

  • Tank Conditions

The following tank settings are ideal for black phantom tetras:

  • Water type

Since black phantom tetras are freshwater fish, you can fill your tank with tap water. As the mineral levels are not ideal for your fish, never use distilled water in your fish tank.

  • Tank Size

Black phantom tetras should reside in fish tanks that are at least 10 gallons in size. These fish, despite being small, need a lot of space to move freely because there are generally a lot of them and other fish species in the tank.

  • Substrate

Dark river sand makes a great substrate for black phantom tetra fish tanks.

  • Plants and Decorations 

Instead of using plastic ornaments, dress up the tank with dried leaves and driftwood. Your fish won’t be harmed by plastic accessories, but they won’t help them as much as adding natural organic materials to the water.

  • Filters and Bubblers

Use a peat filter for tanks with black phantom tetra fish.

The following list of suitable tank mates for black phantom tetra fish includes:

  • Honey gouramis
  • Danios
  • Rasboras
  • Non-aggressive cichlids

The laid-back black phantom tetra enjoys living in a tank with other tranquil fish. Avoiding fish with a lot of territorial behavior when selecting tank mates for the black phantom tetra will keep the tank peaceful. When adding cichlids to your aquarium, exercise caution. They can be fiercely possessive, and certain species are hostile. Only an experienced fishkeeper should add cichlids to a tank of black phantom tetra.

  • Feeding

Black phantom tetras eat insects, worms, and crustaceans in their natural habitat. To ensure their best health, your tank’s fish should consume premium fish flakes and pellets. Since tetra fish tend to overeat, the majority of fish keepers find it easier to create a timetable for fish feeding and adhere to the times rather strictly. Feed brine shrimp, mosquito larvae, or bloodworms as a snack once daily and feed your black phantom tetra fish flakes three times per day (at the times that work best for you). They come in freeze-dried or live varieties.


black phantom tetra table

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